Attack on Khomm

This represents a solo bombing raid on the Deep Core planet of Khomm, which occurred in 12 ABY. It was carried out by Colonel [Ivan Cronus] (/article/ivan_cronus) of the United Warlord Fleets. Cronus, acting under the direction of Admiral Natasi Daala, utilized the 13X and his group of Victory-class Star Destroyers for the assault.

The catalyst for this event was the revelation that Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron had been on the planet. Dorsk 80, who came before Dorsk 81, wanted him to resume his previous role, but Dorsk 81 was only there to caution Khomm about the imminent assault. The Khommites ignored the warning, and as a result, took no action. Cronus, following Daala's instructions, used Crimson Command to execute the attack, which brought widespread destruction to the planet and its inhabitants.

