Dorsk 81

Dorsk 81, hailing from the lineage of Dorsk clones, was among the 83 individuals cloned, and served as a Jedi Knight within the ranks of the New Jedi Order. Furthermore, he held a position as an original member of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. His life concluded in 12 ABY when, in a selfless act, he completely merged with the Force to thwart Admiral Daala's attempt to obliterate the Jedi Praxeum.



Originating from Khomm, the planet where the Khommites had, around a millennium prior to Dorsk 81's creation, embraced the notion of their genetic perfection and halted evolution through cloning, Dorsk 81 possessed subtle distinctions from his predecessors. These differences manifested in his spirit, mind, and capacity to channel the Force. This divergence led Dorsk 81 to perceive himself as a failure to his people, a sentiment that persisted until he learned of the New Republic's efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order.

Jedi Knight

Dorsk 81 watches as Gantoris duels Luke Skywalker.

Seeking guidance, Dorsk 81 sought out Luke Skywalker when he established his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Opting to remain, Dorsk became one of the initial dozen students under Luke's tutelage. While the unfamiliar diversity of the jungle world initially disoriented him, he gradually adapted, cultivating friendships with fellow trainees like Kirana Ti, a Dathomiri witch, and the young Kyp Durron. Dorsk encountered challenges in mastering the Force, narrowly escaping injury in an underground cavern one evening. As the Jedi floated in a mineral spring, he panicked when a super-heated vapor bubble ascended toward them, requiring Gantoris's intervention to avert the heat. Dorsk witnessed Gantoris's strength again, albeit in a more ominous context, during a duel with Luke Skywalker. Furthermore, Dorsk was the one who summoned Master Skywalker upon discovering Gantoris's charred remains.

On one occasion, he and Kyp ventured into the jungle, discovering the Temple of Exar Kun. There, Kyp induced sleep in him while learning from the Sith Lord. Kun intended to eliminate the clone, but Kyp intervened. Durron subsequently betrayed the Jedi, fleeing the Academy in Mara Jade's Z-95 Headhunter. Dorsk 81 collaborated with the other students to defeat Exar Kun and later forgave Kyp, recognizing the Sith Lord's influence. Following his knighting, he departed the Academy to serve as a Jedi Watchman on Khomm.

Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron discover Exar Kun's temple in the jungle.

However, Khomm proved unreceptive to this role, expecting Dorsk to revert to his former ways. Unable to reconcile this expectation with his newfound knowledge and experiences, Dorsk soon departed with Kyp to investigate the Deep Core. There, they stumbled upon a resurgent Imperial faction led by Admiral Daala, against whom Kyp harbored a personal vendetta and believed to be deceased. Their presence was exposed during a boisterous rally, forcing them to flee.

Upon identifying Dorsk 81 as a Khommite, Gilad Pellaeon and Daala resolved to include Khomm on their list of targeted worlds. Dorsk attempted to warn his people and predecessors, but they dismissed his warnings. Consequently, numerous clones perished during the assault on Khomm.

The ultimate sacrifice

Escaping back to the Jedi Academy aboard a stolen Imperial shuttle, Dorsk 81 and Kyp Durron arrived just in time to alert a group of thirty assembled students about an impending attack. Daala and Pellaeon were determined to eradicate the Jedi as a symbolic victory.

Dorsk 81 listens as Tionne plays "The Ballad of Nomi Sunrider" on her double viol.

Fortunately, the students were not at the Great Temple, but rather at the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster, which misled the Imperials into designating it as their primary target. Engaging the initial wave of TIE fighters, Dorsk 81 employed the Force to hurl massive rocks at the ships, causing them to crash. The other students followed suit, repelling the initial assault of TIE fighters and bombers.

Recognizing their vulnerability within the jungle, Kyp ordered a retreat to the main temple. There, they repelled a ground assault force, with Dorsk once again effectively utilizing the Force to topple an AT-ST into a jungle tree. During the brief respite between assault waves, the Jedi convened for a planning session in the War Room. Aware of the seventeen Imperial I-class Star Destroyers in orbit, Dorsk proposed leveraging the Force to displace them, drawing upon Yoda's maxim "Size matters not," which Luke Skywalker regarded as a cornerstone of his New Jedi Order teachings.

Positioning the Jedi at the outer points of the Grand Temple, Dorsk stood alone on the observation deck, atop a Force apex. As all the Jedi channeled their power through him, Dorsk fully surrendered to the Force, propelling the Star Destroyers end-over-end out of the star system in what is arguably the most potent demonstration of Force Push ever recorded. The immense Force power coursing through him overwhelmed his body, consuming it and resulting in his death. As Kyp raced up the temple to reach Dorsk, he uttered his final words: "They're gone, my friend."


Dorsk 81's death.

With the Star Destroyers gone, only the ground forces remained to be dealt with. The Jedi dispatched them with ease, aided by the return of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Admiral Daala arrived aboard her Knight Hammer, but shortly thereafter, Admiral Ackbar arrived with a New Republic fleet that defeated her.

Dorsk 81 was later buried in a grove within the Yavin jungle, his grave marked by a gray plinth. His was the second plinth placed there, Gantoris's being the first, but many more would eventually join them.

The destruction of Khommite society and Dorsk 81's heroic sacrifice jolted the Khommite people from their complacency, prompting a reform of their ways. Dorsk 81 was deified by them, and his successor, Dorsk 82, would later study at the Jedi Praxeum. Dorsk 82 grappled with the legacy of Dorsk 81 when Kyp Durron presented him with Dorsk 81's lightsaber, but ultimately, he too sacrificed his life to protect civilians during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Personality and traits

Dorsk 81 possessed a kind nature. His selflessness was evident in his sacrifice to safeguard the Jedi Praxeum. Dorsk maintained a friendship with Kyp Durron, who exhibited far more recklessness than Dorsk. Upon returning to his homeworld as a Jedi Knight, Dorsk 81 was taken aback by the Khommite people's complacency. He yearned to instigate change and instill in them a willingness to champion a cause. Ultimately, Dorsk 81 achieved inner peace with the Force and himself, willingly giving his life to protect others.

Behind the scenes

In The New Essential Chronology, Dorsk 81 is erroneously stated to have been killed twice, once on Yavin 4 and again on Ando. The Dorsk who perished on Ando was, in fact, Dorsk 82, his clone.

