The confrontation known as the Battle of Teradoc's fortress unfolded within the Deep Core. It was a clash between the forces commanded by Imperial warlords Harrsk and Teradoc. Admiral Daala's intervention brought the battle to a close, marking the end of the Imperial Civil War and directly paving the way for the Imperial Reunification.
Admiral Natasi Daala found herself on the world belonging to Lord High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk, a year following her unsuccessful campaign against the New Republic. It was during this visit that High Admiral Treuten Teradoc, Harrsk's rival, launched an attack.

This engagement resulted in the destruction of Harrsk's flagship, the Shockwave, and the demise of Commander Kratas, a close officer to Daala. While Daala was enraged by her friend's pointless death, Harrsk only cared about his ship being destroyed. Motivated by revenge, he commanded his forces to strike at Teradoc's fortress. Daala, under the threat of execution for mutiny, was compelled to lead this assault.
Admiral Daala lacked the necessary time to formulate a detailed battle strategy, as Harrsk was determined to strike swiftly and catch Teradoc off guard. From the bridge of the Firestorm, she spearheaded a direct assault on Teradoc's stronghold, utilizing Harrsk's remaining Imperial-class Star Destroyers. The base itself was concealed amidst the asteroids encircling a gas giant.
As Daala's Star Destroyers entered the asteroid belt, they became ensnared in proximity mines, resulting in the swift destruction of two destroyers and significant damage to another. Victory-class Star Destroyers belonging to Teradoc then emerged from the surrounding asteroids, which served as concealed garrisons, and engaged the Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

Despite being surrounded by the forces of the Crimson Command, Daala gave the order to disregard them. Taking personal control of her ship's weapon systems, she unleashed a concentrated ion bolt at Harrsk's destroyer, the Whirlwind, effectively disabling it and preventing Harrsk from continuing his attack on Teradoc. With a blaster aimed at the shocked and angered bridge crew, Daala brought the Firestorm closer to the Whirlwind and activated the Firestorm's time-delayed self-destruct system. Daala informed Harrsk that she would destroy both ships if he did not order a ceasefire, hoping to force the two warlords into cooperation. As the countdown progressed, Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, the leader of the Crimson Command, contacted Daala, requesting a personal meeting. Daala agreed and allowed Pellaeon to board her ship. Shortly thereafter, Harrsk, convinced that Daala was serious, ordered a cessation of hostilities.
The Firestorm, escorted by two of Pellaeon's red Star Destroyers, made a jump to a remote area of space so that Daala and Pellaeon could converse without interruption. Pellaeon, like Daala, was of the opinion that the warlords were tearing the Empire apart. Consequently, he and Daala came to an agreement to compel the 13 most powerful warlords to a negotiating table to deliberate the Empire's future. Ultimately, they succeeded in gathering the warlords at Tsoss Beacon. Despite her attempts to encourage the Imperial warlords to unite and crush the New Republic, they instead engaged in hours of argument, unable to reach any consensus. After enduring hours of trivial bickering, Daala concluded that the negotiations were futile and executed the warlords by sealing the room and releasing gas into the chamber.
With the warlords eliminated, Daala proceeded to unite their now-unled Imperial forces. Daala visited the fortress of warlord Delvardus, and his second-in-command, Colonel Cronus, agreed to join Daala, giving her control of Delvardus' Super Star Destroyer, the Night Hammer. With the Night Hammer under her command, Daala, along with Pellaeon, quickly rallied the scattered remnants of the Empire in preparation for a full-scale assault on the New Republic.
The Essential Atlas identifies Hakassi as Teradoc's capital world.