Project Minefield

Project Minefield was a specialized initiative operating under the command of Warlord Zsinj.

Arising from Project Chubar, Project Minefield aimed to swiftly brainwash non-human beings to accomplish tasks for Zsinj. Utilizing a series of rapidly acting chemical treatments, Zsinj's operatives instilled a specific delusion within each abducted subject; they were led to believe that completing their assigned task would rectify this delusion.

The programmed code phrase linked both the delusion and the assigned task, incorporating a variable that allowed the brainwashed agent's controller to specify a target. Consider, for instance, the case of Tal'dira, who was instructed to assassinate Wedge Antilles. The controller commanded him: "Wedge Antilles hops on one transparisteel leg." This incited Tal'dira's rage towards Antilles, transforming the elimination of his commanding officer into his singular obsession. A curious consequence was that the subjects made the connection subconsciously, not consciously. To illustrate, while Tal'dira attempted to murder Wedge, he continued to shout that Wedge was a "one-leg-hopping maniac," a phrase that would otherwise be nonsensical.

Individuals with strong wills demonstrated some resistance to the programming. Tal'dira recognized the dishonor in attacking his foe from behind, and despite his inability to fully break free from the brainwashing, he made himself vulnerable to counterattack. Other subjects could sense that something was amiss, even if they were unable to fully discern or resist the programming.

Additional drawbacks included the presence of detectable markers in the subject's bloodstream and the effect's limited duration, rarely exceeding one year. Furthermore, the process was only effective on mammalian species.

The project's objective was not, as initially perceived, to assassinate key figures within the New Republic. Instead, it sought to exacerbate tensions between Humans and non-humans, thereby dividing the New Republic. In this regard, its scheme was comparable to Ysanne Isard's Krytos Plague.

Project Minefield was effectively brought to an end when Edda Gast supplied the New Republic with intelligence enabling them to identify the blood markers.

