Battle of Kuat (Hunt for Zsinj)

The Battle of Kuat involved an assault orchestrated by Warlord Zsinj targeting Kuat Drive Yards. His objective was to seize the in-construction Star Dreadnought named Razor's Kiss from the control of the Galactic Empire.

The infiltration

To successfully abscond with the vessel, the warlord enlisted the services of various mercenaries and pirates. Among them were the Hawk-bats, a clandestine pirate organization secretly formed by members of Wraith Squadron.

Shalla Nelprin, a Wraith operative, along with a team of specialists, piloted a shuttle directly into the officer's landing bay aboard the Razor's Kiss. They utilized access codes obtained from an Imperial colonel, whom Zsinj had cultivated over two years through a smuggling operation. From the landing bay, they proceeded to the bridge, secured control, and initiated a program allowing a minimal crew of nine to operate the ship.

Being an undercover commando, Shalla uploaded the program into the computer terminal provided by General [Melvar]. She also used a program created by a deceased Wraith colleague, Castin Donn, designed to pinpoint the location of the Razor's Kiss. Castin Donn had perished attempting to upload his program into the Iron Fist's computer mainframe during the Hawk-bats' initial encounter with Zsinj.

The battle

From the bridge, controlling the ship, the specialists employed the turbolaser batteries to sever the connections between the vessel and the Kuat ship-building station in space. Subsequently, Kuat's planetary defense systems and nearby capital ships launched waves of starfighters. To facilitate her escape and complete her mission, Shalla fabricated a reason to investigate the hall where the initial firefight had occurred. Using explosives, she simulated her own demise to mislead her team.

Zsinj's fleet then arrived at Kuat, establishing a staging area for his operation to commandeer the Super Star Destroyer. Zsinj deployed his entire complement of TIEs and hired pirates, directing them to engage Kuat's defending forces. The Hawk-bats and Vibroaxe Prime engaged and triumphed over Mauler, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, before proceeding to eliminate TIE squadrons. Shalla made her escape from the Razor's Kiss by commandeering an Imperial TIE interceptor and landing it atop the bridge tower of the Razor's Kiss. Shortly after, Voort saBinring deliberately crashed his TIE Interceptor into the bridge tower of the Iron Fist.


Despite successfully extracting his prize from Imperial control, Zsinj would soon be engaged by Solo's New Republic fleet.

