Constructed by Kuat Drive Yards for the Empire, Razor's Kiss was an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.
Prior to its complete construction, Warlord Zsinj dispatched a boarding team to seize the ship, without knowing that Wraith Squadron had infiltrated the group.
The hijacked vessel detached from the shipyard where it was stationed and departed to meet with Zsinj's flagship, the Iron Fist. Unbeknownst to them, Shalla Nelprin from Wraith Squadron had attached her pilfered TIE/IN interceptor to the hull while making her escape.
Shalla disabled the Star Dreadnought's shield generators and the bridge, which then enabled a New Republic battle group, under the command of General Han Solo aboard the Mon Remonda, to deliver the final blow.
Presumably, upon understanding the ship was irrecoverable, Zsinj initiated a self-destruct sequence (indicated by the ship's actual explosion) rather than allow the New Republic to capture it.
Following the conflict, Zsinj invested significant resources in salvaging as much of the Razor's Kiss wreckage as he could. The remnants of the annihilated Star Dreadnought were then utilized in the construction of the Second Death.