
Gatterweld was a male Human stormtrooper serving the Imperial forces, and later became an Ensign under the command of the Warlord Zsinj.


Possessing a tall and muscular build, Gatterweld was a Human who kept his black hair slightly longer than regulations permitted and demonstrated skill in hand-to-hand combat. He was generally quiet and reserved. As a stormtrooper, Gatterweld was assigned to provide security for the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Razor's Kiss during its construction phase at Kuat Drive Yards. He was present when Zsinj attempted to seize control of the warship.

Once Zsinj's infiltration team successfully initiated the ship's departure, Gatterweld moved to take control of the auxiliary bridge in an attempt to regain control of the vessel. However, as the New Republic fleet bombarded Razor's Kiss, Gatterweld opted to support Zsinj's takeover rather than allow the Rebels to destroy the ship. He contacted the Iron Fist to offer Zsinj his assistance, and Zsinj attempted to guide Gatterweld through the process of linking the Razor's Kiss's navigation computer to the Iron Fist.

Despite his efforts, Gatterweld failed to prevent the destruction of Razor's Kiss, but he managed to survive and was rescued by Zsinj's forces. Zsinj then welcomed Gatterweld into his fleet, commissioning him as an Ensign aboard the Iron Fist. He acquired piloting skills for certain shuttles, but his reflexes were not quick enough for him to become a starfighter pilot.

Ensign Gatterweld was tasked with escorting Gara Petothel following her "defection" to Zsinj's side. He shadowed Petothel closely until she escaped from the Iron Fist during the Battle of Selaggis. Petothel and her fellow Project Chubar escapees overpowered and restrained Gatterweld and General Melvar, leaving them on the flight deck as they made their escape.

