The Battle of Levian Two was a carefully planned ambush orchestrated by Warlord Zsinj targeting Mon Remonda. This trap was set after General Han Solo's forces seized Razor's Kiss. To lure his adversary, Zsinj strategically placed false evidence of Raptor activity on the designated planet.
Responding to what appeared to be a distress signal originating from Levian Two, Solo's initial squadron, consisting of Mon Remonda, Mon Karren, Tedevium, and Etherhawk, was taken completely by surprise when the Iron Fist and its accompanying vessels materialized. Initially believing he had a chance to engage the Iron Fist group successfully, Solo called in his second squadron for reinforcement. However, the sudden arrival of a second and then a third squadron of Zsinj's warships swiftly changed his mind, compelling him to retreat at maximum speed due to the overwhelming firepower he now faced.
Reasoning that his best course of action was to break through Iron Fist's formation before Zsinj's other squadrons could join the battle, Solo directed his starfighter contingent to engage Iron Fist and its escorts. Simultaneously, he maneuvered his capital ships towards the nearest hyperspace jump point for a direct escape. In response, Zsinj deployed his own starfighters and positioned his squadron to run parallel to Solo's, aiming to prolong the conflict.
The engagement commenced rapidly, with capital ships exchanging fire. The New Republic starfighters then executed their designated roles: Polearm Squadron attacked Iron Fist's defensive fighter screen, creating an opening for Nova Squadron's B-wings and Rogue Squadron's X-wings to launch a coordinated assault on the Super Star Destroyer. While the Rogues diverted the attention and defensive fire of the Iron Fist's rear defenses, the B-wings unleashed a barrage of proton torpedoes and ion cannon fire into the destroyer's massive engine array. Concurrently, Wraith Squadron engaged and successfully neutralized the two Carrack-class light cruisers guarding Iron Fist's vulnerable flank.
Amidst the intense combat, Warlord Zsinj contacted Han Solo, offering him the opportunity for honorable surrender. However, Solo, pressed for time, delegated the call to Chewbacca, primarily to irritate Zsinj. Chewbacca responded by calmly delivering a series of insults in Shyriiwook, leaving Zsinj both surprised and enraged.
Meanwhile, Mon Remonda and Iron Fist engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, with Iron Fist experiencing a reduction in speed and maneuverability due to the B-wing attacks. Solo's second squadron arrived and positioned itself to facilitate a quick hyperspace jump, while simultaneously flanking Iron Fist with Mon Remonda and Mon Karren. Zsinj, confident that Iron Fist could overpower and destroy Mon Remonda despite its impaired maneuverability, ordered his escorts to engage Solo's squadron and recalled his own fighters to pursue the New Republic starfighters. This decision proved to be a strategic miscalculation: as Iron Fist focused its firepower on Mon Remonda, Mon Karren executed a corkscrew maneuver around its sister ship, absorbing the brunt of Iron Fist's attacks while Mon Remonda recharged its shields without interference, as Zsinj's starfighters were no longer present to harass it.
Once Mon Remonda's squadron managed to evade Iron Fist, the New Republic fleet promptly jumped into hyperspace, concluding the battle.
Despite the lack of significant losses on either side, the Battle of Levian Two had a substantial impact on morale. The New Republic forces were unnerved by the ease with which Zsinj had set the ambush, while Zsinj was discouraged by his inability to kill Han Solo, even after deploying all his available resources.