Nova Squadron was a squadron of B-wing starfighters that fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, they also served the New Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire.
During the initial years of the Galactic Civil War, the B-wings that comprised Nova Squadron were a component of the Alliance Fleet. Their B-wings were distinguished by dark gray wing surfaces adorned with yellow sun-stripe patterns.
Subsequently, Nova Squadron was integrated into the fighter group of the Mon Remonda while the Solo Fleet was trying to locate Warlord Zsinj. Under the leadership of Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron, they participated in various operations. They were involved in the assault on the Razor's Kiss after Zsinj's theft of the vessel. Wraith Squadron, later accompanied by Screaming Wookiee Squadron, provided escort for the B-wings during the attack as they engaged Iron Fist.
During the Zsinj Campaign, Nova Squadron participated in numerous missions, such as those at Levian Two, Vahaba, and Selaggis. The squadron sustained significant casualties during the Battle of Selaggis, which occurred when the Second Death detonated.