Rancor Base, also known as the Dathomir Shipyards, served as a clandestine shipyard for Warlord Zsinj, positioned in orbit around Dathomir.
The shipyard known as Rancor Base existed within Dathomir's orbital space. Its structure consisted of colossal scaffolding drydocks, extending for over ten kilometers. Beyond merely constructing ships, the facility also furnished Zsinj's naval forces with maintenance and repair capabilities.
The Dathomir Shipyards also played a role in the creation and assessment of innovative military technologies. It was at this location that Zsinj's engineering teams conceived of the TIE Raptor, a starfighter utilized by the warlord's elite Raptors.
A complement of Star Destroyers was assigned to defend the facility.
The original concept for an orbiting facility surrounding Dathomir was conceived by Emperor Palpatine as part of the blockade of Dathomir.
Following the Emperor's demise at the Battle of Endor, Grand Moff Zsinj rose to power as a warlord and established his own empire within the Quelii Oversector. The discovery of substantial quantities of neutronium, lommite, and zersium – essential minerals in the production of durasteel – on Koratas, one of Dathomir's moons, prompted Zsinj to rapidly commission the construction of the Dathomir Shipyards. Zsinj then relocated all his shipbuilding operations to the Dathomir system, maintaining the secrecy of Rancor Base from the New Republic.
After the Battle of Selaggis, Zsinj's flagship, the Executor-class Star Dreadnought named Iron Fist, was dispatched to the Dathomir shipyards for necessary repairs.
In 8 ABY, the base and its associated shipyard were obliterated by a fleet dispatched to Dathomir by Ta'a Chume, the leader of the Hapes Consortium, in an attempt to liberate her son Isolder and Leia Organa. Zsinj perished during the battle when the Iron Fist met its end.