Lon Donell

A human male pirate by the name of Lon Donell once held the rank of lieutenant within the Imperial Navy. This was before the notable Battle of Endor took place. His actions eventually led him to become an adversary of the New Republic, so much so that he was included in Cracken's list of criminals deemed worthy of pursuit by independent contractors and bounty hunters.


Lon Donell's Super Transport XI

Lon Donell's origins trace back to Prefsbelt IV, where he was born in the year 43 BBY. As a member of the Imperial Navy, Donell held the position of first officer on the Immobilizer 418 cruiser known as the Detainer. Around 7 ABY, Donell took control of this starship, causing concern for the New Republic. He utilized the Detainer to forcibly remove numerous New Republic and independent starships from hyperspace, subsequently capturing them. In addition to the Detainer, Donell also commanded a modified Super Transport XI container ship, its cargo bay ingeniously transformed into a starship hangar.

Donell's base of operations was the Barpine system, which was home to orbital shipyards. Once a ship was seized by Donell using the Detainer, it was transported via the container ship to these shipyards. The captured crews were then confined within a prison facility located on the planet Barpine. Some of these prisoners were offered the opportunity to serve the Galactic Empire in exchange for the promise of an early release. Those who accepted Donell's proposition were integrated into loyal Imperial crews to mitigate the risk of mutiny or desertion.

Over several months, Donell successfully obtained ten transports, three DP20 frigates, five CR90 corvettes, a variety of starfighters, scout vessels, and freighters. The New Republic Intelligence Service came to believe that Donell was amassing a fleet with the intention of launching his own personal campaign of conquest. Most of these acquired vessels were repurposed for Imperial service, while others, including starfighters and freighters, were sold off to pirates and operatives aligned with the Empire. The New Republic placed a bounty of 15,000 credits on Donell's head, charging him with theft and kidnapping.

Personality and traits

Lon Donell, a Human male, possessed a height of 1.75 meters. He was a skilled commander and tactician, specializing in the strategies of capital ship warfare.

Skills and abilities

Donell received training in the use of blaster weaponry and demonstrated proficiency in survival skills. His knowledge of star systems was extensive, enabling him to plot courses through [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace-legends]. Donell was adept at piloting both smaller starships and larger capital ships, as well as operating their gunnery and deflector shield systems. Furthermore, he was trained in the repair of capital ships, along with the skills to bypass security measures and program/repair computers.


Donell was typically seen wearing an Imperial officer's uniform, carrying a blaster pistol, and equipped with a comlink and datapad.

Behind the scenes

Lon Donell's character was featured in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook released by West End Games in 1993 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The illustration of Donell was created by Mike Jackson.


Notes and references
