Hurlo Holowan, hailing from Kuat, was a Human female droid designer and also an engineer. She was the offspring of a prominent merchant house leader. The Razor Eater, the most ruthless killing machine ever witnessed on the planet, was her creation.
Holowan engineered the advanced droids that served as pilots for Groodo the Hutt's counterfeit Sun Runner, an imitation of the ancient colonial transport originating from the Darpa sector. Furthermore, she functioned as the engineer and overseer of the Hutt's Droid Control Army, which launched an attempt to seize control of and obliterate the Fondor Spaceport along with the planet's primary above-ground installations.
Shortly after this event, both Jango Fett, the bounty hunter engaged by Darth Tyranus with instructions to capture the droid engineer alive, and hunters Cradossk and his son Bossk, who were concurrently hired by Wat Tambor, Foreman of the Techno Union and a member of the Separatist Council (but with the order to deliver her head), were in pursuit of Holowan. Fett ultimately succeeded in his mission by outsourcing the task to fellow hunter Zam Wesell, and subsequently delivered Holowan alive to Darth Tyranus. The Sith Lord, impressed by the Sun Runner scheme conceived by Groodo, Senator Rodd and Holowan, and acknowledging their displayed ingenuity, ambition, talent, and discretion, desired to enlist them in his cause.
Hurlo Holowan, a Kuati of noble lineage, possessed cunning, intelligence, and considerable wealth. She had short, dark hair, extremely pale skin (owing to her avoidance of sunlight), and, in spite of her privileged origins, typically wore a plain, gray uniform.