
Rodd was a Human Senator representing Fondor and the Tapani sector in the Galactic Republic. This male individual later defected to the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 23 BBY, leading to his replacement by Canny Mandary Bertar.


The senator, Rodd, possessed a Fondorian salvage hauler. He used this vessel to arrive and negotiate for the salvage rights of the Sun Runner, a supposedly alleged ancient starship. His rival in these negotiations was the Skull Queen, also known as Margravine Quenelle of Nallastia. Jedi Knights Bultar Swan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker observed the proceedings. Rodd's expressed interest in the vessel, however, concealed his true motive of accumulating personal wealth.

Rodd, in a devious scheme to aid Groodo the Hutt in the destruction of the Fondor Shipyards and the takeover of the Fondor Spaceport, aimed to amass a personal fortune. He acted evasively and made accusations against the Jedi. His deception became apparent when he revealed to Obi-Wan Kenobi knowledge of the memory-wiped droids from Groodo's Sun Runner replica. This replica was presented as the authentic ancient transport of the Royal Octans, but Rodd's knowledge of the memory wipe indicated his involvement in the scheme.

From Groodo's opulent starship, Rodd and Groodo's droid engineer, Hurlo Holowan, monitored the controlled-droid takeover of the Fondor Spaceport. The unexpected intervention of the Jedi disrupted their plans, leaving only one FX medical assistant droid operational out of the initial twelve. Their original plan involved seizing control of the spaceport, waiting for its orbit to align with Fondor's primary surface factories, and then crashing the entire station onto those factories. Although simple in concept, the plan was failing. The hour they requested to issue demands was merely a ploy to gain the necessary time to align the spaceport with the precise point in Fondor's orbit needed to devastate the planet's factories.

Groodo was on the verge of ordering the premature destruction of the spaceport (as the alignment was incomplete) when Senator Rodd spotted Princess Calvaria of Nallastia on their view screen. She was breaking away from their captives to reach a fallen young man on the Spaceport landing pad. Rodd then suggested that the Skull Queen's daughter, a valuable hostage, was worth more alive than dead, leading Groodo to change his plan. Holowan then directed the last FX droid to abduct Calvaria, who had conveniently presented herself, and escape from the Spaceport in a landing craft. However, they failed to anticipate that Jedi Master Mace Windu would track the craft in a Delta-6 starfighter. As they watched the two vehicles approach the Hutt's cruiser, they realized the Princess had become a liability, and Groodo ordered them to abandon the landing craft and flee.

Shortly after, Rodd found himself pursued by Jango Fett, the bounty hunter hired by Darth Tyranus to capture him alive. Simultaneously, he was hunted by Cradossk and his son Bossk, who were commissioned by Wat Tambor, Foreman of the Techno Union and a member of the Separatist Council, to bring in his head. Fett ultimately succeeded, after battling a Razor Eater droid at Groodo's Esseles compound (where Rodd had sought refuge), and delivered Rodd alive to Darth Tyranus. The Sith Lord, impressed by the Sun Runner scheme conceived by Groodo, Senator Rodd, and Holowan—and by their demonstrated ingenuity, ambition, talent, and discretion—sought to recruit them to his cause.

Personality and traits

Rodd, who had risen to a prominent political position, was raised on Fondor. The middle-aged human male senator had sharp features and wore a black uniform displaying the embroidered logo of the starship manufacturer Republic Sienar Systems. He was the head of its Diplomatic Headquarters, located within the massive 360-hangar space station, Lunavolver Delta, which orbited Fondor.

The constant rotation of the Lunavolver made the Senator nauseous, and he despised it. Consequently, he would sit at his desk facing away from the window, avoiding the slowly rotating view of Fondor. Despite his significant leadership role, both on the space station and within the broader galaxy, Rodd would have readily abandoned it all, provided he could take a substantial sum of money with him.

Rodd struggled to differentiate between Hutts, a difficulty shared by many across the galaxy. He could not distinguish Groodo from his son, Boonda.

Rodd, understandably protective of his Senatorial position, favored disguises. While waiting for Groodo at the Fondor Spaceport, he wore a heavy, hooded robe to avoid detection by Fondor Space Patrol authorities. The robe concealed his uniform and obscured his face. As an additional precaution, he sprayed the robe with a foul-smelling chemical to deter people from approaching. Unfortunately, Rodd had sensitive nostrils and was eager to remove the reeking disguise.

Senator Rodd was evidently the primary source of Groodo's research into the history of Fondor and Nallastia, which was used to meticulously create the Sun Runner replica at his shipyards on Esseles. Rodd consistently attempted to secure his communications with Groodo, employing encrypted codes in his HoloNet transceiver transmissions.

