Delta-6 Sprite-class starfighter

The Delta-6 Sprite-class starfighter represents a light starfighter with limited operational range. The Jedi Order utilized it during the Invasion of Naboo period. It served as an earlier version of the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class interceptor.


Kuat Systems Engineering produced the Delta-6, which functioned as a short-range interceptor for patrol and reconnaissance missions, accommodating a single pilot. This particular design did not incorporate an on-board astromech droid to aid in navigation while in flight. Twin laser cannons were installed as its armament, positioned on each side of its pointed, delta-shaped front. A bronze and silver color scheme adorned these craft.


This model developed from earlier Jedi starfighter ideas that originated as far back as the Great Sith War era and the Jedi Civil War, potentially taking inspiration from the Star Saber and the Aurek fighter.

Before the Clone Wars commenced, Kuat Systems Engineering introduced the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class interceptor, the newest addition to the Delta series, thereby making the Delta-6 outdated. If any Delta-6 starfighters were still in existence during the Galactic Civil War, Sienar Fleet Systems would have acquired ownership of them, as they purchased the entire Delta product line from Kuat a decade following the Clone Wars.

