Fondor Spaceport, situated in orbit above Fondor, was a sprawling spaceport. It shared the space with the Fondor Shipyards. This station, a two-kilometer-long orbital tube, featured 160 pressurized hangar bays and two geodesic deflector-shield projectors that resembled massive blisters on its hull.
Back in 23 BBY, Jedi Knight Bultar Swan spent some time at the spaceport while on a mission to mediate a dispute between Fondor and its moon, Nallastia. Later, Groodo the Hutt, in league with Senator Rodd and Hurlo Holowan, seized control of Fondor Spaceport using his Droid Control Army. However, the Jedi Order foiled his plans to destroy the station. Knights teamed up with Nallastia's Skull Queen, the Margravine Quenelle, to disable the defense shields and easily defeat Groodo's advanced droids.
Jedi Master Mace Windu, defying the Droid Control Army's orders, approached the spaceport within 50 meters aboard a Republic cruiser. The Stars of Nallastia they carried caused a brilliant blue flash to engulf the spaceport's exterior. The Skull Queen's power gems instantly neutralized the deflector shields. Guided by the shuttle tracker of Princess Calvaria, the Queen's daughter, Mace piloted the cruiser into a hangar bay.
Kit Fisto and Bultar Swan joined Windu and Quenelle to free the spaceport. The Jedi strike team encountered a GNK power droid, modified with a rapid-repeating blaster, as part of the Hutt's Droid Control Army. Master Windu swiftly defeated it with his lightsaber, cleanly severing the blaster that emerged from the droid's upper frame. Windu also encountered two specially modified astromech droids in a security office. These cylindrical droids had hidden panels containing a manipulator-gripped fusion-cutter, a cutting tool that emitted a high-energy plasma beam.
Master Windu discovered that twelve unauthorized droids had infiltrated and seized Fondor Spaceport, forcing all 'organics' into Hangar 173. Six droids guarded the captives. Windu had already destroyed three droids, leaving three more at large, in addition to the six in Hangar 173. The security computer couldn't locate the remaining three droids.
Windu quickly arrived at Hangar 173 and found a large group of captives guarded by FX medical assistant droids on the landing pad. He advanced along a high catwalk towards the droids, each equipped with manipulator arms and a grasping arm. They wouldn't have seemed out of place on a space station under normal circumstances, which likely allowed them to infiltrate the spaceport easily. However, the situation was far from normal, and instead of medical tools, each FX droid wielded deadly weapons. All six units were mounted on treadwell bases, enhancing their mobility.
Windu used the hangar's tractor-beam projector to trap three FX units and push them through the docking port into space, sending them tumbling towards Fondor's sun. The droids were far enough from the captives for Windu to do this. The remaining droids were not, so Mace yelled for the captives to get down and raced along the catwalk as the droids fired at him. Reaching a service gantry, he spotted an electromagnetic pincer crane suspended above one of the droids. Windu leaped from the gantry, severing the crane's mount with his lightsaber, and landed as the crane crushed the droid. As the two remaining droids approached, Windu used the Force to push one over the edge of a deep hydrolift well (used for cargo transport). The impact caused an explosion.
As the last FX unit prepared to fire at Windu from behind a column, one of the captives bravely ran towards the droid to stop it. However, the FX unit struck him with a stun baton, instantly paralyzing him. "Rench!" a young woman shouted, rushing towards the fallen hero. It was Princess Calvaria, whom Windu recognized from her holographic image at the Skull Queen's fortress.
The FX droid seized the Princess, used the stun baton on her, and she fell limp. Lifting her unconscious form, the droid aimed blaster pistols at Calvaria, the captives, Rench, and Mace. The droid's black photoreceptor focused on Windu, challenging him. Swan and Fisto arrived with lightsabers, but Windu told them to lower their weapons. The droid, still holding the Princess, retreated from the hangar bay. Mace instructed the other Jedi to protect the captives while he pursued the droid.
Tracking the FX unit to the Flight Control hangar, Mace found the three missing astromech droids connected to a broad console. He spotted the FX droid carrying Calvaria into a light starship (an ion-powered Incom Corporation landing craft with a single-aft thrust vector). He was about to pursue it when he saw a digital image of the spaceport's position relative to Fondor on the astromechs' console, along with a numerical counter. He realized Groodo's plan: the droids were deliberately steering the destabilized spaceport into Fondor's atmosphere.
As the starship prepared to take off, Mace quickly attached a palm-sized tracer beacon from his utility belt to the craft's hull. Windu then ignited his lightsaber and attacked the astromechs, which had raised their modified appendages, including micro-laser cannon periscopes. He deflected their energy bolts back at them, destroying them. He then severed their domes from their bodies and kicked them away. He switched the spaceport's flight controls to manual and adjusted the orbit. When the Skull Queen arrived, Windu asked her to have Kit Fisto perform a diagnostic on the spaceport while he rescued Quenelle's daughter.
Sprinting for a Kuat Systems Delta-6 starfighter, Mace entered the cockpit and started the engines. He quickly launched into space and locked onto the tracer on the fleeing vessel. His faster ship soon approached the droid's craft, which he saw heading for a garish private cruiser with large fins. But the Incom craft suddenly turned back towards the spaceport. Windu followed the droid, which was aiming for the hangar it had left. Realizing the droid was trying to crash its ship, Mace fired the Delta-6's laser cannons at the landing craft's aft-thrust vector.
The explosion disabled the thruster, but the craft continued its collision course. Matching the Incom vehicle's velocity, Windu brought his starship over the droid-piloted craft and used the Delta-6's landing gear to clamp onto its hull. As he activated the starship's inertial dampers, both vehicles decelerated rapidly, and Mace steered them into the Flight Control hangar. Finding the FX unit deactivated, he cut through the locked hatch with his lightsaber to free Princess Calvaria, who was unharmed, though motionless.