The Lost Stars of Nallastia comprised a trio of ancient jewels. These power gems originated from the Sun Runner, the colony ship of Margrave Octan, and were secreted away on the Fondor satellite orbiting Nallastia. Their unique ability lay in neutralizing force fields, rendering starship, space station, or planetary defensive shields useless.
Following the Margrave's disappearance with the Sun Runner around 4000 BBY, the persistent belief was that he retained possession of the gems. However, he had entrusted them to his wife, Nallastia. She constructed the Skull Queen's fortress and created the monumental Trinity Stones, utilizing the gems only for beneficial purposes. After a band of pirates attempted to pilfer the power gems, Nallastia concealed all three within the Cavern of Screaming Skulls located inside Mount Octan.
Nallastia's final prophecy, uttered on her deathbed, spoke of a future champion destined to arrive in the Fondor system aboard a ship bearing the Sun Runner's insignia. This individual was foretold to recover the Lost Stars, and it turned out to be the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.
In 23 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, aided by the Margravine, Quenelle, ultimately discovered the Lost Stars—three brilliant gems of varying colors: red, green, and blue—within the jungle moon's Cavern of Screaming Skulls. He then employed their power to dissolve the energy field that held innocents captive in suspended animation between the Trinity Stones.
Subsequently, Jedi Master Mace Windu and the Skull Queen utilized the Stars, which emitted a distinct aura, to negate the force field emanating from Fondor Spaceport's deflector-shield projectors. This allowed them to infiltrate the space station and reclaim it from Groodo the Hutt, the criminal starship manufacturer, whose Droid Control Army had seized control and held its inhabitants hostage. Following the liberation of Fondor from the Hutt's destructive schemes by Windu's Jedi strike force, the Skull Queen returned the fabled power gems to the Cavern of Screaming Skulls, for the benefit of both the Nallastians and "outlanders" alike.