A power gem Power gems represented exceedingly strong stones, having the capability to project an aura that could disrupt shields. These gems originated from an ancient and uncommon meteor. As time wore on, their powers diminished, but they possessed considerable strength when initially extracted from the meteor.
In the year 23 BBY, Quenelle and Obi-Wan Kenobi undertook a mission to discover a trio of power gems, known collectively as the Lost Stars of Nallastia, located on the moon called Nallastia. After successfully locating these gems, they employed them to dispel an energy field.
Prior to their downfall at the hands of the Jedi in 22 BBY, the Pirates of Iridium effectively utilized these fragments in their criminal activities. By exploiting the gems' ability to disrupt shields, they were able to disable spice freighters and other spacecraft, allowing them to plunder their cargo with minimal opposition. Leia became aware of these events through stories her father, Bail Organa, shared with her during her childhood.
It was once believed that all power gems had been destroyed along with the pirates who wielded them. However, one of these relics survived, remaining in the possession of Raskar, a smuggler and former pirate. Raskar retired to the isolated planet of Antipose in the Outer Rim where he safeguarded the gem, waiting for a worthy opponent to defeat him in battle. Eventually, he was bested by a cocky smuggler and his furry companion, forcing him to surrender the last power gem. This gem was the very item they were tasked with retrieving by the Rebel Alliance as a desperate measure against the Executor.
Following their decision to join the Rebel Alliance, Han Solo and Chewbacca promptly handed over the power gem to General Jan Dodonna directly after the Battle of Yavin. In a futile effort aimed at destroying the Super Star Destroyer Executor, Jan's son, Vrad, seized the gem and launched an attack. This action proved insufficient to significantly weaken the warship's shields, as the gem had lost much of its power over the years. Although the general's son did not succeed in destroying Executor, his courageous assault provided the Alliance with crucial time to successfully evacuate the Yavin 4 base. Furthermore, the slight disruption to the shielding enabled the Millennium Falcon to inflict damage on one of the Executor's sublight engines.
Aside from the power gem held by Raskar, other power gems were scattered throughout the galaxy, often buried underground. During the Galactic Civil War, some spacers attempted to unearth them. While these gems lacked the potency to disrupt the shields of enemy ships, they still possessed enough power to reduce damage taken by their users and improve their ability to evade attacks. They also served as a pink-colored light source in some spacer homes.
The power gem made its debut in the Star Wars comic strip storyline titled The Power Gem, where Han Solo was sent by Princess Leia and the Rebel Alliance to acquire one for defense against the Executor. It wasn't utilized until Doom Mission, which occurred two story arcs later.
Despite the comic strips strongly implying that the power gem discovered by Han Solo was the last one in existence, several power gems were available as extremely rare loot in the online game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, although with notably different characteristics. Players who found these power gems could access an ability called "Power Stone Dodge," which increased their dodge chance by 3% and removed a debuff. The effect was estimated to last for 2 minutes, with a reuse time of 60 minutes. The description mistakenly identified the gem as being blue.