The clandestine organization known as the Order of Revan, alternatively referred to as the Revanites, operated within the confines of the reestablished Sith Empire. Its members were devout followers of the teachings imparted by the formidable Force-sensitive individual, Revan. By harmonizing the principles of the light and dark sides of the Force, the Order aimed to instigate change from within the Empire's structure. Reflecting Revan's inclusive approach, the Order welcomed individuals from all societal strata within the Empire, extending membership even to alien species. Tari Darkspanner established the Order after uncovering Revan's records on Korriban during her Sith training, a period preceding the Empire's Cold War with the Galactic Republic. The Order's headquarters were situated in a compound nestled within the jungles of the planet Dromund Kaas. During the Galactic War, Revan assumed command of the Order, transforming it into a zealous cult with adherents in the highest echelons of both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

In the decades leading up to the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, the Human Tari Darkspanner discovered the accounts of the ancient Force-user Revan, a figure who had walked as both Jedi and Sith nearly three centuries prior, during her training to become a Sith. Through her investigations, Darkspanner learned how Revan and his comrades had confronted the Sith Emperor, and she came to the conclusion that Revan had actually triumphed—and that he, rather than the Emperor, occupied the throne of the Empire. Soon after, she established the Order of Revan, which enlisted members from all species and walks of life throughout the Empire. The Order, dedicated to Revan's teachings, sought to bring the Empire into equilibrium between the light and dark sides of the Force—the principles of peace and conflict—from within.
Growing to encompass several hundred members, the Order—whose members were known as Revanites—began to garner attention from the Empire's governing Dark Council, which sought to eradicate their unorthodox teachings. This forced the Order to discontinue their gatherings in the Empire's capital Kaas City on the planet Dromund Kaas and seek refuge in the jungles of Dromund Kaas. There, they built a compound situated near a cave where the Order maintained a shrine dedicated to Revan. Some Revanites dedicated their entire lives to the Order's teachings, isolating themselves from Imperial society, while others convened in secret and maintained their ordinary lives while adhering to Revan's teachings.
The Dark Council held the Revanites in disdain for their fusion of Jedi and Sith doctrines. Consequently, one of their objectives was to eradicate and dismantle the clandestine organization before its teachings could further permeate the Empire.

In 3637 BBY, during the Galactic War, Revan himself appeared at the helm of the Order, having miraculously survived his near-fatal confrontation with Imperial forces on the Foundry. However, Revan was not unscathed; due to centuries of torment at the hands of the Emperor and the Dread Masters, Revan's psyche was fractured between his light and dark aspects. The light aspect manifested as a spirit, while the dark aspect retained physical form, possessing strength and cunning but lacking wisdom. Consumed with the desire to annihilate the Emperor, Revan seized control of the Revanites to achieve his goal. Under his guidance, the Revanites secretly expanded, infiltrating agents into high-ranking positions within both the Empire and the Republic. These agents, Darth Arkous of the Dark Council and Colonel Rian Darok of Republic Special Forces, orchestrated simultaneous smash-and-grab operations, namely the Korriban Incursion and the assault on Tython, to recover Rakata technology. With the assistance of a Selkath geneticist named Gorima, they eventually engineered invincible cyborg supersoldiers to form the foundation of their Infinite Army. When strike teams from both galactic powers discovered their scheme, the two conspirators absconded with the research, destroying the underwater base where the supersoldiers were created, thereby eliminating all evidence that could expose their order. Sith Lord Lana Beniko and SIS agent Theron Shan, both of whom had previously collaborated closely with the conspirators, deduced that the Order of Revan intended to obliterate both the Empire and the Republic. Consequently, they cooperated with each other, along with a Wookiee named Jakarro, to devise a means of stopping them.
Arkous and Darok fled to Lehon and established their cyborg conscription operation within the Temple of the Ancients. When their pursuers located them, the ensuing battle resulted in the destruction of the Infinite Army and the deaths of the two Revanites. Revan himself soon arrived in-system with a small fleet consisting of both Imperial and Republic capital ships. Dismissing the loss of the Infinite Army as a minor setback, Revan opened fire on the temple in an attempt to eliminate the interlopers, but they escaped via shuttle. Subsequently, the Revanites arranged to deal with the strike team's allies; Jakarro was issued twelve death sentences, Theron was disavowed by the SIS, and Lana was accused of murdering Arkous. The trio then went into hiding to find a way to expose the order.
The Order later enlisted the services of the Nova Blades pirate gang to target key hyperspace lanes in order to force both Republic and Imperial command fleets to the pirate haven of Rishi. The plan was for the Revanite fleet to attack both sides while sleeper agents aboard both fleets sabotaged the ships they were on. Theron, Lana, and Jakarro contacted their allies and had them masquerade as a rival pirate gang to harass the Nova Blades and obtain intelligence on the Revanites' plan. Once they had information on the trap, the team fought past the Revanites guarding the signal jammer blocking communications in the sky battle. Once the jammer was deactivated, Theron uploaded the identities of Revanite agents to both fleets, resulting in their detainment.

With the Revanite infiltrators removed from their fleets and the Revanite flotilla routed, both the Republic and the Empire agreed to a temporary truce and united against Revan. Revan relocated his remaining forces to Yavin 4, where the dormant Sith Emperor resided following his defeat at the hands of the Hero of Tython. The Revanites overwhelmed the small contingent of Imperial Guardsmen stationed at the Imperial Guard Academy and secured the Temple of Sacrifice. Within the temple was a device capable of consuming all life on the moon to resurrect the Emperor, whom Revan intended to revive from the brink of death so he could destroy him for good. However, the coalition forces arrived on Yavin 4 and reluctantly collaborated to breach the Revanite lines and destroy the temple device, believing Revan would be unable to defeat the Emperor.

Ultimately, the elite members of the Coalition confronted Revan on the Forgotten Terrace and defeated him permanently. The conflict between the Coalition and Revanites had fueled the Emperor's revival, who then departed Yavin 4 without taking a physical form or possessing a body. Revan was then confronted by a Force ghost of his other half, who convinced the dark half to release his hold on their physical form and merge, making Revan whole once more as his physical body vanished, leaving only his scarred mask and lightsaber behind. With Revan's defeat, the Revanites were left leaderless and presumably disbanded. As the Republic and Empire departed Yavin 4, they left token forces to watch for any sign of the Revanites if they continued to operate on the moon.
Revanites held the belief that the path to power could not be traversed solely by either Jedi or Sith. The concept of rebirth held particular significance for the Order, as they were aware of Revan's transformation from Jedi to Sith and his subsequent rebirth as something new after being betrayed by both. Although the Order of Revan's members belonged to the Sith Empire, the Order advocated against relying solely on the dark side. Revan's greatness, they believed, stemmed from his utilization of both the light and the dark, harnessing the Force in its entirety. The Order also espoused patriotism, seeking not to destroy the Empire but to transform it from within.

The Revanites extended membership to individuals of all alien species, acknowledging the numerous droids and aliens who had served as Revan's companions and allies. However, they believed that Revan had included these individuals because he considered servants more valuable when they possessed power. Mirroring Revan's acceptance of allies from diverse backgrounds, the Order embraced members from every echelon of the Empire's society, ranging from high-ranking Sith and military officers to commoners and even slaves. The Order also included Mandalorians of Clan Farr, who served the Order out of honor, as Ceta Farr sought to ensure that Revan's legacy would endure. Tari Darkspanner, the Master of the Order, believed that Revan had defeated the Emperor and usurped his throne, but she also speculated that the Emperor's silence during the Cold War indicated that the Dark Council had imprisoned Revan.

Prospective members of the Order were required to undergo an initiation process, during which they would perform various tasks for different members to assess their understanding of the Order's ideals and their commitment to them. During the initiation, candidates would visit the Revanite Cave and meditate before the Order's altar, where many would experience visions of Revan. Every initiation also included a trial of the past, which would bind the initiate to Revan and help them understand the Order's history.
When Revan himself assumed direct control of the Order, the Revanites had expanded to include Republic individuals in their ranks. The Order had strayed from its original principles, now fanatically devoted to the former Jedi. Having agents in high-ranking positions in both galactic superpowers enabled the Order to manipulate events and covertly fabricate information, similar to the Star Cabal. Despite this, the Republic and Imperial members remained wary of each other, having previously been on opposing sides. The Order's new objective was to eradicate both the Empire and the Republic, a goal that the Revanites had embraced with fanaticism.
The Order of Revan made its debut in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where it serves as the subject of a series of missions on the planet Dromund Kaas. When discussing the fact that she is a woman, Tari Darkspanner asserts that Revan's gender is uncertain in their records, alluding to the fact that players can choose to portray Revan as either male or female in BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.