Gorima was a Selkath of the male persuasion, who existed during the time of the Galactic War. This war was a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. A renowned biologist on his planet, Gorima was employed by both Colonel Rian Darok from the Republic Special Forces Division and Darth Arkous of the Dark Council, acting on behalf of the Order of Revan. The task assigned to Gorima by Darok and Arkous was the creation of an "Infinite Army," which involved the integration of living organisms with Rakatan technology.
Gorima's research was carried out in an underwater installation located on Manaan. Upon achieving a satisfactory outcome, he was confronted by Republic and Imperial assault teams, dispatched by Theron Shan and Lana Beniko respectively, who infiltrated the base. Observing from afar, Darok and Arkous then initiated the facility's self-destruction sequence. Darth Xarion later confirmed that Gorima perished in the resulting explosion.
Gorima's initial appearance was in Game Update 2.9 of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG developed by BioWare and launched in 2014. Depending on the player character's choice of dialogue, Gorima's fate varies; if the player selects the dark side option, Jakarro murders Gorima. Conversely, if the light side option is chosen, Gorima's life is spared initially, only for him to die when the facility is destroyed.