
Dellocon was a male Human operative working for the re-emergent Sith Empire during the era of the Cold War. Because his true loyalty was at risk of discovery, Darth Baras ultimately commanded his apprentice to assassinate him on the world of Nar Shaddaa.


In the year 3643 BBY, Dellocon, an Imperial Agent, was among the numerous intelligence operatives within the network of Darth Baras. His activities centered on Nar Shaddaa, where Baras dispatched his apprentice to execute him, prompted by the threat of exposure stemming from the abilities possessed by a mysterious jedi padawan. Anticipating his impending demise, Dellocon approached Rathari, a Sith Lord and rival of Baras, offering his intelligence in exchange for sanctuary. Despite an initial period of safety and concealment, Dellocon was ultimately unable to evade his fate, as Baras's apprentice successfully located and killed him.

Personality and traits

Despite his role as one of Baras's spies, very little is actually known about Dellocon, though he was allegedly a loyal and effective operative. His betrayal and subsequent alliance with Rathari, Baras's adversary, appeared to be largely motivated by his former master's cold-blooded choice to have him eliminated.

Behind the scenes

Dellocon is featured as a non-player character during the Sith Warrior narrative within Star Wars: The Old Republic. While his presence is brief, occurring during the final mission on Nar Shaddaa, he is a significant character in the storyline, serving as the target of a manhunt that ultimately forces the player to confront substantial opposition from various factions across the planet.

