Servant Two

Servant Two was a Sith Lord from the Sith Pureblood species, identified as male, who existed during the Cold War era of the resurgent Sith Empire. He was an Emperor's Hand, a position reserved for the most reliable and trusted servants of the Sith Emperor, and worked alongside a fellow Hand known as Servant One.


Servant One and the new Emperor's Wrath collaborated with Servant Two to defeat Darth Baras. Servant One distinguished Servant Two from others due to the constant presence of his cloak's hood obscuring his head. After being exposed to the Emperor, Servant Two's perspective on the galaxy shifted dramatically, and he began communicating primarily through enigmatic riddles.

In the year 3626 BBY, during a conversation between the Commander of the Eternal Alliance and Lord Scourge, Scourge asserted that both Servant Two and Servant One had perished long ago.

Powers and abilities

Servant Two exhibited telepathy capabilities that were not restricted by distance; his whispers could be heard by all members of the Hand, regardless of their location.

