
Lanklyn was a Human Commander, identified as male, within the ranks of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the period known as the Cold War.


In the year 3643 BBY, Lanklyn's assignment involved transporting the frozen carbonite encased body of a Republic spy, specifically Grik Sonosan, to Darth Baras on Dromund Kaas. Upon arrival at Docking Bay 12 of the Kaas City spaceport, his instructions were to await Baras's apprentice and assist in the delivery of the encased spy to the Sith Lord.

However, upon the apprentice's arrival, Lanklyn and his squad found themselves in an ambush orchestrated by two criminals: Slestack, who aimed to seize the body for his own superior, and TuMarr, who desired it for personal gain. As Slestack, TuMarr, and their respective forces engaged in a fierce conflict, Lanklyn and his team seized the opportunity to swiftly deliver the carbonite encased body without sustaining any injuries. The two criminal factions decimated each other in their struggle, and Baras's apprentice proceeded to report the mission's success.

Lanklyn was Force-choked to death by Darth Baras.

Lanklyn and Baras's apprentice encountered each other again on the planet Hoth, where Lanklyn had been tasked by Darth Baras with locating the Jedi Master known as Xerender. Lanklyn led his men in the search for the Jedi, but ended up being captured. He was only rescued because Ensign Slinte gave the Sith the last known location of Lanklyn. Lanklyn informed them that Xerender had a group of Talz commandos under his command, which he used to conceal his movements as he approached his real target: the Jedi Master Wyellett. Lanklyn, Slinte, and the Sith later convened to update Darth Baras on their progress. However, during the holocall, Xerender managed to intercept the communication. Enraged by the setback, Baras used the Force to choke Lanklyn to death, despite the immense distance separating them across the galaxy, and promoted Ensign Slinte to Commander of his operations on Hoth.

