Around 3627 BBY, the Dantooine Incursion unfolded as a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the re-established Sith Empire, during the third Galactic War.
The planet of Dantooine, belonging to the Galactic Republic, found itself near the border of the Sith Empire's domain during a third galactic conflict between these two factions. This positioning made it an ideal forward base for Republic Navy starships en route to the active war zones.
Recognizing this strategic importance, the Sith Empire aimed to strike at Dantooine, but a direct assault against the Republic's fortified defenses proved unfeasible. Darth Xarion, who headed Sith Intelligence and sat on the Empire's governing Dark Council, formulated a different strategy. He contracted the pirate organization known as the Nova Blades to launch an attack on the planet from within Republic-controlled space.
Colonel Lenora Trazen of the Four-Hundred-Twenty-Fifth Special Infantry, a staunch advocate for destabilizing Dantooine, was chosen by Darth Malgus to command the Empire's clandestine forces on the ground.
By the year 3627 BBY, Major Vindo was in charge of the Republic's garrison on the planet, with support from Jedi Master Zai-Uram.
The Nova Blades initiated a sudden and intense assault, catching the planetary garrison unprepared. Amidst the resulting disarray, Imperial elite forces successfully infiltrated and established a base of operations. As the pirates proved incapable of securing the planet independently, the Empire's troops bolstered their ranks, allowing both factions to create widespread destruction across Dantooine.
As the incursion intensified, the Nova Blades shifted their focus towards indiscriminate looting, targeting both Republic and Imperial assets, leading to clashes between the pirate group and Imperial soldiers.
Later, The Commander of the Eternal Alliance made their way to Dantooine, offering assistance to the Galactic Republic's defense.
Meanwhile, Lieutenant Yarvok of the Nova Blades took control of the Dantooine Power Station and demanded a ransom of 15 million credits for the reactor. Republic forces swiftly laid siege to the power station, and a spacer ultimately eliminated Yarvok and cleared the building of Nova Blades.
The pirates deployed a prototype assault walker that they had stolen from a weapons-testing facility located on Balmorra. A spacer was given the mission to destroy the experimental vehicle to prevent it from falling into the hands of either the Republic or the Empire.
The Nova Blades conducted slave auctions to sell those they had captured during their raids. One such auction was guarded by the notorious exoboar Hugo, but an adventurous spacer intervened and put an end to the operation.