Yarvok, a lieutenant of the Human species, identified as male, was the head of the Nova Blades pirate organization during the era of the third Galactic War. The Sith Empire employed the Nova Blades, led by Yarvok, to initiate the Dantooine Incursion in 3627 BBY. In the midst of the conflict, Yarvok betrayed his employers, seizing control of the Dantooine Power Station with his crew and demanding a ransom of fifteen million credits to be delivered to his astromech droid, R0-B5U, in return for the safety of the station's reactor.
The following year, a mishap occurred when Krupo, Yarvok's caretaker of beasts, crashed his ship on Dantooine, resulting in the loss of several of Yarvok's beloved creatures, which greatly angered him. Due to his worry for their well-being, Yarvok threatened to kill Krupo unless his missing pets were promptly found and brought back to him.
Yarvok was initially introduced to the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game through the Knights of the Eternal Throne digital expansion, specifically within the Dantooine Incursion storyline. Should the player opt to fulfill Yarvok's demand of fifteen million credits, he will depart peacefully; however, refusal will lead to a confrontation where the player must defeat him in combat to force his retreat.