Mandalorian combat suit

The Mandalorian combat suit represented a specific design of Mandalorian armor that saw action during the period of the Old Sith Wars.


The Mandalorian combat suit provided complete body coverage. Despite being the most rudimentary form of Mandalorian battle dress available during the Old Sith Wars, it offered significant protection. Its woven structure possessed the capacity to dissipate a considerable quantity of kinetic energy. While not impervious to blaster fire, the armor did offer some protection against low-level energy discharges. Furthermore, this battle suit allowed for exceptional flexibility, permitting a broad spectrum of movement.

Atton Rand wearing a Mandalorian combat suit (without helmet)

The Mandalorian combat suit incorporated a helmet that included an integrated comlink and could be outfitted with a jetpack. The armor was hermetically sealed and contained sufficient oxygen to sustain the wearer for a ten-hour period in the vacuum of space.


Prior to the onset of the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian combat suit was the armor of choice for many Mandalorians. Consequently, it was the most prevalent armor type worn by Mandalorian Crusaders throughout the Great Sith War. The Crusader armors were uniquely adapted and tailored to meet the specific demands of various battlefields and environments. While the style of Crusader armor evolved throughout the Mandalorian Crusades, it remained highly individualized by its wearers until the eventual disappearance of the Mandalorian Crusaders.

Subsequently, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders viewed Crusader armor as emblematic of the individualism that led to the downfall of the Crusaders. During the Mandalorian Wars, the vast majority of Crusader veterans ultimately joined the Neo-Crusaders, adopting the standardized Neo-Crusader light armor. However, a small number of Mandalorians chose to retain their original armor, continuing to wear their older models. Demagol was observed wearing a Mandalorian combat suit during the Mandalorian Wars.

Several decades later, Mandalorian combat suits were still actively deployed during the Dark Wars.

Behind the scenes

The Mandalorian combat suit made its initial appearance in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Further details regarding this armor were later provided in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, which also identified the Mandalorian armor worn by Demagol in the Knights of the Old Republic comic series as a Mandalorian combat suit.

