An insurrection involving Dark Jedi took place within the Elrood sector of the galaxy during the final decades of the Galactic Republic, specifically a number of years preceding the Invasion of Naboo. A Jedi Consular by the name of Jorus C'baoth, after perceiving a disturbance in the Force that was caused by a group of Dark Jedi, stepped in alongside a contingent of fellow Knights and successfully put down the rebellion. The sector was freed from the Dark Jedi menace, and C'baoth, riding high on his triumph, unilaterally promoted himself to the rank of Jedi Master. This event was later mistakenly combined with a similar crisis, in which Grand Master Yoda participated, that happened near the conclusion of the Clone Wars. This mix-up even found its way into the historical records of the Galactic Senate that were discovered by Luke Skywalker, the founder of the New Jedi Order, more than forty years afterward.

In 32 BBY, a few years before the Subjugation of Naboo, a group of rampaging Dark Jedi spread fear throughout the Elrood sector, which is situated in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Around this time, Jorus C'baoth, a Jedi Consular, resigned from his position as advisor to Palpatine, who was the representative for the Chommell sector in the Galactic Republic's Senate. Sensing a disturbance in the Force caused by the Dark Jedi, C'baoth assembled a team of Jedi Knights and led them into the Elrood sector to neutralize the threat. Ultimately, the marauding Dark Jedi were defeated, and the sector was restored to peace.
C'baoth, as the one who orchestrated the Jedi's victory over the uprising, took it upon himself to claim the title of Jedi Master, an action considered quite unconventional. Typically, a Jedi would be formally elevated to the rank of Master by the Jedi High Council after successfully training several apprentices into Knights and ensuring they passed their Trials of Knighthood. However, the members of the High Council were so pleased with the Dark Jedi's defeat that they chose not to challenge C'baoth's self-appointment.
Years later, the truth became distorted by legend. The story of the Elrood events became intertwined with another Dark Jedi rebellion, which occurred in the Bpfassh system after the Clone Wars and involved Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. In fact, when Luke Skywalker, the pioneer of a new generation of Jedi, researched Jorus C'baoth in the Galactic Senate's records in 9 ABY, he found information stating that the late Master was a member of the Jedi force that confronted the Dark Jedi rebellion on Bpfassh.
In Timothy Zahn's 1992 novel, Dark Force Rising, which is the second book in The Thrawn Trilogy, Jorus C'baoth is credited with defeating a Dark Jedi uprising on Bpfassh sometime between 77 and 74 "Pre-Empire" (P.E.). The book also mentions that C'baoth assumed the title of Jedi Master during that same year. However, Zahn's dating was based on his understanding of when the Clone Wars had taken place. At that time, the definitive timeline of the Clone Wars had not yet been established, and Star Wars authors were informed that it had occurred thirty-five years before Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. With the release of the prequel trilogy between 1999 and 2005, it was revealed that the conflict ended only sixteen years prior, rendering all the dates in the Thrawn Trilogy inaccurate.
In 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia attributed the defeat of the Bpfasshi darksiders to Yoda, portraying C'baoth's involvement in suppressing an uprising as a legend. However, the 2002 sourcebook, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook, had already established its own retcon by stating that C'baoth had resolved a Dark Jedi uprising in the Elrood sector a few years before the Battle of Naboo. This article considers both accounts to be canon, as they do not contradict one another.