
Bpfassh, situated close to both Praesitlyn and Sluis Van in the Sluis sector, was a parched double planet circled by a complex arrangement of moons. It served as the native world for the Bpfasshi.


Within the Sluis sector, Bpfassh, the main celestial body of the Bpfassh system, was a double planet with a complicated system of moons orbiting it. These twin planets adopted the name of the system's sun, Bpfassh, and were located near two systems whose names were difficult for Humans to articulate. Both planets exhibited temperate climates, Type II atmospheres, arid hydrospheres, and typical gravity. The Bpfassh worlds featured desolate landscapes and were inhabited by 50 million indigenous Bpfasshi, who had attained a space-age level of technological advancement. These twin worlds were utilized for extracting natural resources, exporting metals and other materials, while importing advanced and intermediate technologies.


A Jedi Praxeum was once located on Bpfassh. Around the beginning of the Clone Wars, Nejaa Halcyon pursued Zozridor Slayke's Scarlet Thranta to this location in his starship, the Plooriod Bodkin. Slayke incapacitated the Thranta and seized the Bodkin, losing only one of his crew members in the process, which left Halcyon and his team marooned on Bpfassh for several months, resulting in his public humiliation.

Later in the Clone Wars, Bpfassh's Praxeum became the epicenter of a Dark Jedi rebellion. The Bpfasshi Dark Jedi instigated a reign of terror and devastation throughout the sector, but the Jedi task force, led by Yoda, eventually suppressed the insurrection. Ever since this event, the Bpfasshi harbored a deep-seated animosity towards all Jedi. Over time, the uprising was embellished in legends, some of which falsely placed Jorus C'baoth at the forefront, a Jedi Master who had already passed away several years prior to the incident.

Han Solo, Leia Organa and Wedge Antilles inspect a crater after a planetary bombardment on Bpfassh.

Several decades later, Grand Admiral Thrawn staged a diversionary attack on this system in order to lure vessels away from Sluis Van. Subsequently, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Wedge Antilles, and Rogue Squadron were assaulted here by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Noghri.

Behind the scenes

Originally, Jorus C'baoth was intended to be the Jedi Master who defeated the Dark Jedi; however, this became untenable once the timeline of the Clone Wars was established. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia addressed this discrepancy by indicating that the truth had been distorted over time through legends.

The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion erroneously situates the Sluis sector, and thus Bpfassh, within the Galactic Core.

The planet's designation is articulated as "Bip-fash."

