Marauding Dark Jedi

A band of Dark Jedi raiders were known for their activities in the Elrood sector in the time leading up to the Invasion of Naboo, specifically a few years prior. The raids came to a halt due to the intervention of Jedi Knight Jorus C'baoth, who organized and led a team of fellow Jedi Knights into the sector. C'baoth's triumph over these Dark Jedi ultimately resulted in him being granted the rank of Jedi Master, a promotion that was acknowledged by the Jedi High Council. In later years, it was erroneously believed that C'baoth had actually quelled a Dark Jedi uprising in the Bpfassh system during the Clone Wars; this event was, in reality, the accomplishment of Grand Master Yoda.

Behind the scenes

Within Timothy Zahn's 1992 novel, Dark Force Rising, Jorus C'baoth received credit for suppressing a Dark Jedi rebellion on Bpfassh sometime between 77 and 74 "Pre-Empire" (P.E.). The book also notes that C'baoth took on the title of Jedi Master in that same year, 74 P.E. However, after the timeline of the Clone Wars was established as occurring between 22 and 19 BBY, this account became untenable. In 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia attributed the defeat of the Bpfasshi darksiders to Yoda, explaining that the truth had become distorted over time and evolved into legend. However, the 2002 sourcebook Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook had already implemented its own retcon, stating that C'baoth had resolved a Dark Jedi insurgency within the Elrood sector, which occurred a few years before the Battle of Naboo.


  • Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook

Notes and references
