Outbound Flight (novel)

Outbound Flight is a novel belonging to the Star Wars Legends continuity, penned by Timothy Zahn. It details the narrative of the doomed Outbound Flight Project, a venture initially referenced within Zahn's 1991 work, Heir to the Empire. Del Rey initially released Outbound Flight as a hardcover edition on January 31, 2006. Subsequently, a paperback version, incorporating Zahn's short story "Mist Encounter", was made available on January 30, 2007. Both the novel and the short story were re-released on August 15, 2023 as part of The Essential Legends Collection.

Synopsis from the Publisher


Back cover

The Jedi are about to embark on a grand journey far beyond the Republic, where they will face an extraordinary adversary. This challenge will push their honor and self-sacrifice to their absolute limits….

Internal flap

What started as the ultimate exploration became a forgotten Republic tale and a somber event in Jedi history. Now, Timothy Zahn, a celebrated author, unveils the complete, remarkable, and tragic account of the Outbound Flight Project.

Before the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth appeals to the Senate for backing of a uniquely ambitious endeavor. Six Jedi Masters, twelve Jedi Knights, and fifty thousand civilians will journey on a massive vessel, equipped for years, to find intelligent life and settle new worlds beyond the known galaxy. Bureaucracy nearly derails the expedition until Master C'baoth thwarts a deadly plot, earning the political leverage needed to launch Outbound Flight.

However, unbeknownst to the esteemed Jedi Master, the mission's success is secretly manipulated by Darth Sidious, the sinister Sith Lord, who has ulterior motives for Outbound Flight's progression and eventual failure.

Yet, Darth Sidious isn't the greatest threat. The starship encounters the Chiss Ascendancy and the brilliant strategist "Thrawn" at the edge of Unknown Space. Even Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, cannot prevent catastrophe. A peaceful Jedi mission morphs into a desperate war for survival against overwhelming odds and a diabolical enemy.

Timothy Zahn's signature blend of espionage, political intrigue, and intense interstellar combat breathes vibrant life into a Star Wars legend.


The ultimate voyage of discovery transformed into a dark chapter of Jedi history. Now, the acclaimed author Timothy Zahn returns to present the complete, extraordinary narrative of the remarkable—and doomed—Outbound Flight Project.

As the Clone Wars loom, Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth seeks Senate support for a daring mission: to find intelligent life and establish colonies on uncharted worlds beyond the known galaxy. Government red tape threatens to halt the expedition, but Master C'baoth thwarts a murderous plot, gaining the political capital to realize his dream of Outbound Flight.

Or so it seems. The Sith Lord Darth Sidious has his own agenda for Outbound Flight. Yet, even he is not the mission's greatest peril. The starship encounters the Chiss Ascendancy and the cunning "Thrawn." The peaceful Jedi mission quickly escalates into a fierce battle for survival.

Storyline Summary

Five years following the Battle of Naboo, the Bargain Hunter, a smuggler's freighter, is attempting to evade problems with its three-person crew: Captain Dubrak "Rak" Qennto, Maris Ferasi, and a youthful Jorj Car'das. Fleeing from Progga the Hutt, Car'das inputs random hyperspace coordinates, sending the ship into the Unknown Regions.

Progga's vessel manages to pursue them. He contacts the Hunter, convinced they've deliberately jumped to a hidden treasure cache and will lead him there. Before anything can occur, the Hunter is captured by a fleet of unknown ships. Progga's ship, despite being larger and more heavily armed than any of the unknown vessels, is obliterated when it attempts to retaliate.

The smugglers are introduced to Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet aboard the flagship. He generously offers to repair their ship and allow them to leave, provided they remain as his guests during the fleet's patrol into the Regions.

The narrative then switches to Coruscant, where Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth and his Padawan, Lorana Jinzler, interrupt a meeting between Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and his aide, Kinman Doriana. C'baoth again demands increased funding for his proposed Outbound Flight Project, asserting its importance over the Republic's minor issues. Doriana suggests a compromise: resolving a mining strike on Barlok would free up immediate funds for the project. After C'baoth and Lorana depart, Palpatine directs his aide to monitor C'baoth, ensuring his arrogance doesn't lead to rash actions.

Upon returning to his apartment, Doriana contacts his true master, Darth Sidious, who has already ordered him to prepare for travel to Barlok.

After C'baoth secures permission from the Jedi Council to go to Barlok, Master Mace Windu sends Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, there for the same reason: to observe C'baoth.

Back in the Unknown Regions, Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo uses the opportunity to learn from his guests, exchanging language lessons. When he mentions the Chiss's low opinion of smugglers, Maris argues that they are privateers – mercenaries hired to steal for oppressed people - a lie Qennto convinced Maris of. Qennto views the Commander as naive, but Car'das quickly realizes Mitth'raw'nuruodo is cunning and dangerous. The officer sees similar qualities in Car'das, and they begin to spend so much time together that the Commander allows Car'das to use his "core name," Thrawn.

In a sudden fight with the Vagaari, one of the Chiss's most dangerous enemies, Thrawn is severely wounded, although they win the battle. The fleet returns home, and the smugglers meet Thrawn's brother, Thrass, a political figure, and Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet.

On Barlok, C'baoth and Lorana meet Obi-Wan and Anakin. C'baoth leaves Lorana with the other Jedi while he arranges negotiations to settle the mining dispute. The other three Jedi discover a plot to sabotage the negotiations by disgruntled workers (encouraged by a disguised Doriana). When negotiations begin, the saboteurs launch a missile that only C'baoth can stop with the Force. Impressed by his power, the council members quickly resolve the conflict.

Due to the sudden cash flow from the mining resolution and his newfound prestige, C'baoth receives the necessary funds to complete Outbound Flight. He immediately starts organizing a group of Jedi Masters and Knights, and civilian colonists, to travel to the Unknown Regions.

Lorana is unsure about leaving her home. While in the Jedi Temple, she is confronted by Dean Jinzler, one of the workers and her brother. Taken from her family as a baby like all Padawans, she never knew him. She is shocked when he expresses jealousy, believing their parents always overlooked him because of her Force-sensitivity. When he leaves, Lorana decides she has nothing to stay for and eagerly anticipates Outbound Flight. Before leaving, C'baoth promotes her to Jedi Knight.

Obi-Wan and Anakin also agree to accompany the voyage for a portion of the journey.

As the massive vessel launches into space, Doriana checks the crew and passenger list and informs Darth Sidious. Initially pleased, Sidious becomes enraged upon learning Anakin is aboard and orders Doriana to remove him. He then changes his mind, deciding to do it himself, while Doriana proceeds with his primary mission.

Doriana, under the alias "Commander Stratis," meets with Trade Federation Vicelord Siv Kav, who commands a fleet powerful enough to destroy Outbound Flight, at the galaxy's edge.

Aboard Outbound Flight, C'baoth appears to be transforming the ship into his personal vision of the Jedi Order and the galaxy. His decisions affect every aspect of the passengers' lives, including the décor. He also orders Force-sensitive children to be separated from their parents.

Midway through the voyage, Palpatine personally meets the vessel, claiming an urgent diplomatic errand for Obi-Wan and Anakin. They depart with the Chancellor, playing no further role in the events.

Meanwhile, the Chiss fleet, commanded by the recovered Thrawn, encounters the Trade Federation fleet. Despite being outgunned, Thrawn calmly informs them they are trespassing in Chiss space. Kav arrogantly orders his forces to destroy the Chiss fleet. With advice from Car'das and his tactical genius, Thrawn devastates the Trade Federation fleet, forcing Kav to surrender.

Seeing an opportunity, Doriana urges Thrawn to allow them to complete their mission, initiating a direct conversation between Lord Sidious and Thrawn. Sidious explains that Outbound Flight and the Jedi pose a threat to the Republic because their path leads them to the projected home of a powerful and hostile alien empire (implied to be the Yuuzhan Vong). Sidious's agents discovered this empire years ago and have been preparing the Core Worlds for the inevitable invasion. If Outbound Flight reaches the aliens first, the invasion may come too soon. Thrawn appears convinced and agrees to help Doriana and Kav destroy Outbound Flight.

Car'das, worried about being held hostage, escapes the Chiss fleet in a small ship but is captured by the Vagaari. To save himself, Car'das shares everything he knows. The Vagaari become interested in the Trade Federation's battle droid technology, as they lack droid technology. The Vagaari commander decides to return to the Trade Federation fleet and take their technology.

When Outbound Flight reaches the galaxy's edge, Thrawn insists on giving them a chance to turn back, much to Doriana and Kav's dismay. He meets with C'baoth and Lorana, warning them of a Sith Lord's plan to destroy them. However, C'baoth dismisses Thrawn's warnings and sends him back to his ship.

As both sides prepare for battle, the Vagaari arrive. Sensing their hostility, the Jedi aboard Outbound Flight link telepathically to confuse the Vagaari. Thrawn uses their distraction to attack both forces. After severe damage, C'baoth succumbs to the dark side, choking Thrawn through the Force. To prevent the loss of such a valuable officer, Thrawn's fleet drops a radiation bomb onto the vessel's bridge, killing C'baoth and the other Jedi, except Lorana. The Vagaari are defeated and retreat, but not before Car'das escapes their ship.

Because Chiss military doctrine opposes preemptive strikes, Thrawn is reprimanded and recalled. While he prepares to return home, Thrass and Car'das investigate the damaged Outbound Flight and find Lorana. Knowing the vessel cannot remain intact, Thrass orders Car'das to rejoin Thrawn, while he and Lorana attempt to pilot the vessel to a nearby planet.

As they approach the planet, the vessel spins out of control, with the side holding most survivors set to crash first. Lorana and Thrass choose to stay in the command console and steer the ship so their side crashes instead, hoping to save lives. Lorana intones, "May the Force be with us."

Thrawn releases Car'das, Qennto, and Maris, revealing he manipulated Car'das to lure the Vagaari to their destruction. Thrawn wishes them well and prepares for his exile.

Kav insists Thrawn must be killed, as he knows too much about Lord Sidious. Doriana agrees but, upon meeting Thrawn, realizes he is too valuable to kill. Kav attempts to kill Thrawn himself but accidentally kills himself with his own blaster.

Thrawn explains that the Chiss have encountered the aliens Sidious is preparing for, known as the "Far Outsiders," and understand the threat they pose. Thrawn sends Doriana back to his master, confident they will meet again.

Qennto, Maris, and Car'das leave in their repaired ship, enriched by their experience but uneasy about their encounter with Thrawn.


Outbound Flight was originally scheduled to be available on October 25, 2005.







