Siv Kav, a Neimoidian male, held the ranks of vicelord and fleet commander within the Trade Federation and Techno Union. He was part of a task force under the supervision of Kinman Doriana, dispatched by Darth Sidious in 27 BBY with the mission to intercept and eliminate the Outbound Flight project. A distinctive feature of his appearance was a five-pointed hat.
The Chiss commander Thrawn inflicted a crushing defeat upon Kav's forces. Shortly after this debacle, Kav met his end when a blaster bolt, redirected by a reversed personal shield scavenged from a droideka, struck him as he attempted to avenge his wounded pride against Thrawn.
Siv Kav's initial introduction occurs when he is discovered concealed within the holo alcove situated off the aft bulkhead of the cockpit on Kinman Doriana's vessel. He had apparently boarded the ship while Doriana was in a meeting with Captain Pakmillu to obtain the passenger manifest for Outbound Flight. Upon further interrogation, Kav confessed to hiding on Doriana's ship to learn Doriana's true identity and rank, rather than waiting in the designated guest quarters as instructed. After this revelation, Doriana commanded Kav to erase the knowledge of his true name and position and to address Doriana as "Commander Stratis," the alias previously provided.
The purpose of this meeting was for Kav to transmit to Doriana the coordinates of the separatist fleet assembled by Kav for the destruction of Outbound Flight. Kav provided Doriana with the datacard containing these coordinates, and they departed shortly thereafter, arriving at the fleet two days later.
While stationed aboard the command vessel, Darkvenge, of Special Task Force One, Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn) established contact, identifying himself and his defense fleet, and requesting identification and a statement of intentions. Uncertain of the appropriate course of action, Kav roused Doriana from sleep. Doriana expressed his displeasure and instructed Kav to open a hailing channel, explaining to the Commander that they posed no threat and that the details of their mission were confidential. Thrawn responded that these reassurances were insufficient. Kav, standing beside Doriana, began to complain about the wasted time. Doriana swiftly muted the channel and engaged in an argument with Kav. Kav advocated for the immediate destruction of Thrawn and his defense fleet, while Doriana insisted on first ascertaining their identity and origin. Kav asserted his authority over Special Task Force One, reminding Doriana that he, not Doriana, was in command. Kav then initiated an attack, deploying Vulture droids from Keeper, one of his battleships.
Thrawn initially allowed the battle to unfold, then disrupted the signal controlling the Vultures. The Vultures deactivated, continuing along their previous trajectories. The alien fighters then began systematically eliminating the inactive ships. The Trade Federation fleet struggled to regain control using laser communications. Kav attempted to launch missiles from his Hardcell-class interstellar transports. The missiles locked onto the alien fighters, but the fighters deployed Conner nets. The missiles detonated upon intercepting the nets. Thrawn retaliated by launching missiles at the Techno Union ships. To Kav's dismay, one missile cluster located a vulnerability and destroyed one of the ships. Thrawn then targeted the same weakness on all remaining Techno Union ships, obliterating them. Kav attempted to initiate a jump to lightspeed, but the hyperdrive failed to respond. Siv Kav conceded defeat. Doriana ordered the Neimoidians operating the ship to deactivate the midline quad laser batteries, seal the main hangar exits, shut down all droid starfighters, and prepare for boarding.
Doriana and Kav met Thrawn and Jorj Car'das on the Darkvenge's bridge, surrounded by numerous battle droids. Thrawn promptly introduced himself to "Commander Stratis," infuriating Kav. Kav asserted his command over the fleet, not Stratis. He further declared his power to eliminate Thrawn, as two Droidekas deployed and activated their shields behind him. Stratis, angered, began another argument with Kav, but Thrawn intervened, assuring the commander of his safety. Stratis was taken aback. Thrawn commented on the Droidekas' interesting design and shields, then instructed Kav to dismiss them. After initial hesitation, Kav reluctantly complied. Thrawn reiterated his request for the task force's intentions. Stratis invited them to Kav's office to elaborate.
In Kav's office, Stratis seated himself in Kav's chair. He explained the nature of Outbound Flight to Thrawn and Car'das, asserting that the Jedi aboard would attempt to impose their will upon the Chiss within their system. Before departing, Thrawn ordered Stratis and Kav to remain on the bridge of the Darkvenge, promising to summon them when needed. He also announced his intention to send a team to inspect the vessel and its equipment. Kav protested, but Stratis silenced him. Thrawn departed, and Kav erupted in anger, questioning Doriana's judgment. Doriana explained that their sole remaining ship could not destroy Outbound Flight alone, making the support of Thrawn and his fleet essential for the mission's success.
Thrawn assumed control of the Darkvenge's battle droids and droid starfighters, effectively imprisoning Doriana and Kav. However, he agreed to take necessary actions to prevent Outbound Flight's mission. Thrawn modified the droid starfighters' programming to prioritize close-range attacks. Kav deemed this absurd and implemented his own program based on traditional battle logic. Thrawn subsequently intercepted Outbound Flight using a gravity well projector. When Kav attempted to activate his program, Thrawn revealed that he had detected and deleted it. Thrawn initially attempted negotiation with Outbound Flight, much to Kav's displeasure. Negotiations failed, and Thrawn disabled Outbound Flight's weapons. Kav again urged Thrawn to destroy Outbound Flight, but Thrawn offered another chance to turn back. Kav witnessed the leader of Outbound Flight, the fallen Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, Force choked Thrawn. Doriana saved Thrawn by deploying the droid starfighters to destroy Outbound Flight, as Kav remained passive.
Following the battle, Kav provided Doriana with a concealed Hold-out blaster and urged him to kill Thrawn. Thrawn released the two prisoners and returned them to the Darkvenge. This provided Doriana with an opportunity to assassinate Thrawn, but he decided that eliminating such a strategic mind would be wrong. Kav disagreed and retrieved a hidden blaster from his desk chair. He fired at Thrawn, but the shot was deflected back at him by a polarity-reversed deflector shield Thrawn had placed on the chair, anticipating Kav's treachery. Kav died instantly.