
Pakmillu, a Mon Calamari captain of the Outbound Flight, was a male and also served as an officer of the Judicial Forces. The Outbound Flight embarked on its colonizing voyage to the Unknown Regions from the Galactic Republic's space in 27 BBY; Pakmillu was in command of the enormous starship and directed the crew and the people who were on board during this entire expedition. The leader of the expedition, Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, attempted to abduct a child late at night prior to the Outbound Flight's arrival at Roxuli, triggering a protest from the child's parents. Pakmillu stepped in after Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi addressed the situation and proposed holding a meeting to discuss it the following day. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic requested that Kenobi and Skywalker depart upon their arrival at Roxuli so that the Jedi Master could settle a disagreement with the Roxuli government, which disappointed Pakmillu because he had hoped they would get to experience the trip. C'baoth and the Jedi who were on board had taken control of the starship by that time, invalidating Pakmillu's power.

Later, Pakmillu was on the bridge when Chiss Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo utilized a gravity well projector to pull Outbound Flight out of hyperspace. The Chiss tried to negotiate with Outbound Flight to prevent the starship from crossing the alien Chiss Ascendancy, but they also wanted to destroy it to prevent Outbound Flight from introducing the Yuuzhan Vong, sometimes called "Far Outsiders," into the galaxy. Because C'baoth disregarded the Chiss, they were compelled to destroy Outbound Flight. Thrawn used radiation bombs and his droid starfighters to bombard the Outbound Flight, killing everyone on board. Pakmillu was killed during the bombardment.



Pakmillu led the Outbound Flight through its journey

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, and Anakin Skywalker, a Padawan, paid Pakmillu a visit aboard Dreadnaught-One, the command center of Outbound Flight, prior to the Outbound Flight's departure. Pakmillu showed off the command center's capabilities there, pointing out that it could remotely activate or deactivate emergency protocols or systems on any of the dreadnaughts without needing to send assistance. Following that, Kenobi and Pakmillu talked about the starship's utilization of a fleet of swoops and speeder bikes as opposed to turbolifts. Skywalker said it worked well, which Pakmillu confirmed, bringing the conversation to a close, even though Kenobi strongly pushed for replacing the bikes with turbolifts.

Shortly after, Kenobi and Pakmillu talked about the starship's upcoming stops, with Pakmillu referring to the majority of them as "flybys" because they would only stop if there were actual issues. Pakmillu mentioned that their travels would take several years, and he informed Skywalker that the storage core contained supplies for ten years, which he anticipated supplementing along the way. After the group talked about how safe the potential colonizers were, Pakmillu briefly brought up Skywalker getting a new teacher on board the starship. C'baoth, who Kenobi had told that he and his Padawan were joining the expedition, cut him off. As the Jedi discussed their potential search for Vergere, a Jedi who had gone missing, Pakmillu voiced concern that the Outbound Flight might turn into a search and rescue mission. After C'baoth gave him a warning for voicing his worries, Kenobi and C'baoth carried on with their conversation. Then, C'baoth, an arrogant man, gave the captain the order to find lodging for the expedition's new members.

Fall of the tyrant

The Outbound Flight was crippled during the Chiss attack

Before the Outbound Flight reached Roxuli, Jorus C'baoth, a Jedi Master who was the expedition's founder and leader, tried to kidnap a Rodian child late at night, which led to a protest from the child's parents. Pakmillu showed up after Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, discussed the matter and suggested holding a meeting to address it the following day. Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, requested that Kenobi and Skywalker leave upon their arrival at Roxuli so that the Jedi Master could resolve a disagreement with the Roxuli government. This saddened Pakmillu because he wanted them to have the experience of entering a new galaxy. Kenobi and Skywalker then departed from the expedition. By that point, C'baoth and the Jedi on board had taken control of the starship, rendering Pakmillu powerless.

Following that, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, a Chiss Force Commander also known as "Thrawn" by his Core name, used a gravity well projector to extract Outbound Flight from hyperspace, and Pakmillu was on the bridge. The Chiss attempted to negotiate with Outbound Flight to prevent the starship from crossing the alien's territory, but they also wanted to destroy it to prevent Outbound Flight from bringing the Extra-galactic "Far Outsiders" into the galaxy. C'baoth disregarded the Chiss, which forced them to destroy Outbound Flight. Thrawn used radiation bombs and his droid starfighters to bombard the Outbound Flight, killing everyone on board. Pakmillu was killed during the bombardment.

Personality and traits

Pakmillu was a calm and intelligent male member of the Mon Calamari species.

Skills and abilities

The Mon Calamari possessed the ability to pilot starships, even the scale of Outbound Flight, and to lead thousands of people on a starship.

Behind the scenes

Timothy Zahn's 2007 novel, Outbound Flight, featured Pakmillu.

