Tra's M'ins

Tra's M'ins was a Jedi Master of the male persuasion, providing service to the Jedi Order throughout the last few decades of the Galactic Republic.


Having the potential to use the Force, Tra's M'ins underwent training in its usage by the Jedi Order, and in time, reached the level of Jedi Master. Through dedicated personal study, Master M'ins distinguished himself as a well-known diplomat representing the Galactic Republic. When assigned missions by the Council of Reconciliation, Master M'ins was sent to help resolve the Duinuogwuin-Gotal conflict, a war that took place approximately between 35 BBY and 33 BBY.

Joined by fellow Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, M'ins' efforts at negotiation were taken over by C'Baoth, who was of a lower rank. The Human Jedi successfully brokered a deal between the Duinuogwuins and the Gotals, bringing an end to the war and building a strong name within the Order.

