Vagaari slaver fleet

The Vagaari slaver fleet represented the slaving fleet belonging to the Vagaari Empire. Its purpose was to subjugate various species located within the Unknown Regions, transforming their worlds into colonies for the Vagaari. The original inhabitants were forced into slavery, functioning as unpaid laborers and living shields.


In 27 BBY, the Vagaari slaver fleet attacked and converted the planet of Geroon into a colony, enslaving the native Geroon species. During that same year, the fleet, under the leadership of The Miskara, the ruler of the Vagaari, received information about the existence of droid starfighters and battle droids. Consequently, they journeyed to the location of a Chiss task force, where the Vagaari attempted to seize 6 dreadnaughts attached to a storage core known as Outbound Flight.

However, The Miskara, along with Jorj Car'das, who had informed the Vagaari about the droids and acted as their translator with Outbound Flight, tried to negotiate with the mystical Jedi present. Despite Car'das speaking Basic, the Jedi's language, Jorus C'baoth, the expedition's commander, disregarded their attempt. Shortly thereafter, C'baoth employed a Force meld on all the Vagaari aboard the warships, gradually destroying their minds. While the Jedi were focused on neutralizing the alien fleet, the Chiss deployed Vulture droids, droid starfighters, against the Vagaari ships, firing with the precision necessary to penetrate the hulls without harming the living shields containing the Geroon. Ultimately, The Miskara and the warships' crews were killed, as was the Jedi, but a portion of the Vagaari fleet managed to escape, evading Thrawn's attempt to destroy them.

The fleet was composed of fewer than one hundred warships, and fewer than one hundred Vagaari fighters. It also included a hundred Vagaari civilian transports.

Behind the scenes

The Vagaari fleet made its debut in Timothy Zahn's 2006 novel, Outbound Flight.

