Miskara functioned as the ruler for the Vagaari Empire, a nomadic group. They were responsible for leading both the Vagaari species and the slaves under their control.
During a skirmish with the Jedi, who were peacekeepers, aboard the Outbound Flight colony starship, and against the Chiss Picket Force Two, the Miskara met their end, and the Vagaari slaver fleet retreated. Around 23 ABY, another Miskara established communication with the "Far Outsiders," otherwise known as the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong species, assisting them in the planning stages of their invasion targeting the galaxy. Following the invasion, the Vagaari Empire seized territories that were previously held by those who had been eliminated by the Yuuzhan Vong.
The Miskara was a Vagaari, addressed as "Your Eminence," who traveled to a location in the vicinity of the Unknown Regions' Crustai system after Human smuggler Jorj Car'das divulged the whereabouts of a base within that system to him.