A male member of the Miskara lineage, also referred to as The Miskara and addressed as "Your Eminence," held a position of power as a leader within the Vagaari sentient race. Back in 27 BBY, he spearheaded the Vagaari armada during the conflict that occurred on the Geroon people's native planet, as well as their endeavor to capture the colossal vessel known as Outbound Flight. The Vagaari leader received information from Human contrabandist Jorj Car'das concerning the Chiss military leader Mitth'raw'nuruodo's outpost, a target the Miskara intended to eliminate, due to the Chiss having previously overpowered the Vagaari in both the Crustai area and at Geroon.
Despite Car'das's assumption that the Miskara had not considered the possibility of a Chiss trap, the Miskara chose to detain Car'das within a Zero-g plastic bubble located on his command ship, suspecting that the information about the base was, in fact, a ruse. Upon reaching the designated location provided by the Human, the Miskara released Car'das and employed him as an interpreter during their short-lived attempt to parley with Outbound Flight. However, as the Vagaari began their approach towards the starship, combat robots secretly commanded by Thrawn, which had been gifted to the Miskara by Car'das, unleashed their firepower on the command center of the Vagaari's warship, resulting in the death of all Vagaari present, including the Miskara himself.

Back in 27 BBY, the Vagaari sentient race engaged in migratory incursions across several planets, establishing temporary settlements for their civilians and looting resources and other valuable materials from these occupied locations. One such planet was the Geroon race's homeworld, which faced an assault from the Vagaari naval force. The Miskara assumed leadership of this offensive, overseeing a contingent of over a hundred military vessels alongside an additional hundred civilian transports, responsible for the relocation of civilians to facilitate the plundering of the Geroon homeworld. Despite the Geroons' resistance against the Vagaari, they incurred substantial losses.
During this invasion, Chiss military leader Mitth'raw'nuruodo (with a core name of "Thrawn") from the Expansionary Fleet's Picket Force Two, arrived at the homeworld with the intention of studying the Vagaari and obtaining a Vagaari gravity well projector. Aboard Thrawn's warship, were two Humans originating from the Galactic Republic's planet of Corellia, Jorj Car'das and Maris Ferasi. Upon identifying that one of the gravity well projectors, responsible for preventing the Geroons from escaping via hyperspace, was lightly guarded, Thrawn dispatched his fighters and two Assault squads to seize the projector and eliminate its crew. As Thrawn and his flagship, the Springhawk, faced increasing firepower from the Vagaari forces, they endured an attack that nearly resulted in the commander's demise. However, the Humans aboard, with the assistance of the Springhawk's crew, managed to save the commander. Despite the partial destruction of the bridge due to the Vagaari assault, the Chiss successfully retrieved the projector.

Subsequently, Car'das departed from Thrawn's base in the Crustai system of the Unknown Regions and journeyed to the Geroon homeworld, where he encountered the Miskara. During their meeting, Car'das informed the Miskara that he and his companions from the Galactic Republic had become lost and were captured by the Chiss. The Eminence inquired about Car'das's knowledge of the Vagaari's location, prompting the Human to reveal his presence aboard the Chiss warship during the attack on the Geroon. Given that the Chiss warship had stolen one of the Vagaari's ship nets, as well as the gravity well projector, the Miskara questioned Car'das about Thrawn's whereabouts. However, the Miskara considered Car'das's offering to be insufficient. Although the Vagaari leader had lost interest, he discovered battle droids, mechanical servants capable of attacking anyone their leader designated for elimination.
Car'das demonstrated the Droidekas' and the battle droids' capabilities on the Geroon slaves and informed the Eminence of the number of droids possessed by Thrawn. Upon learning of the firepower that the droids would provide, the Vagaari ordered his fleet to proceed to the Crustai base—coordinates that would ultimately lead to the Vagaari's destruction by Thrawn. However, despite Car'das's belief that the Miskara had been deceived, the Vagaari imprisoned Car'das in a Zero-g plastic bubble, along with the Geroon captives on the exterior of his flagship and other vessels.

After departing from the Geroon homeworld via hyperspace, the Vagaari fleet, comprising two thousand starships, including civilian transports and warships, transitioned to realspace before reaching the coordinates provided by Car'das. Instead of arriving at the base, they found themselves at the site of a battle between the Jedi-controlled Outbound Flight colony starship and Thrawn's Picket Force Two. The Miskara questioned Car'das about their destination, and the smuggler suggested that the Chiss had deployed the "ship net" against the massive starship as the Vagaari passed through the area. The Miskara dismissed Car'das's concerns regarding their location, and upon being informed of the firepower contained within Outbound Flight's Dreadnaughts, the Miskara remarked that his concerns were appreciated, but as Vagaari, they seized what they desired.
The Miskara, with Car'das acting as the translator between the Vagaari and Outbound Flight, attempted to negotiate with the Jedi aboard. However, despite Car'das speaking the Jedi's language, Basic, Jorus C'baoth, the expedition's leader, disregarded their attempts. Shortly thereafter, he employed a Force meld on all the Vagaari on the warships, gradually destroying their minds. While the Vagaari were neutralized, as the Jedi focused on the alien fleet, the Chiss deployed Vulture droids, droid starfighters, against the Vagaari's hulls, firing with sufficient precision to penetrate the hulls without harming the slaves' bubbles. The Miskara and the warships' crew were ultimately killed, along with the Jedi, but a portion of the Vagaari fleet managed to escape, evading Thrawn's attempts to destroy them.
Outbound Flight eventually crashed into the Redoubt star cluster, where a group of its crew members survived. In 22 ABY, Vagaari Supreme Commander Estosh, General Bearsh, and other Vagaari, including Purpsh, infiltrated the remnants of Outbound Flight. Chas Uliar, one of the ship's survivors, overheard the group speaking the Vagaari language and realized that they were not Geroons, as they were pretending to be, but Vagaari. Uliar then remarked to Dean Jinzler that he had only heard the language once before, when the Miskara spoke it.
The Miskara possessed an arrogant and ruthless nature characteristic of the Vagaari species. He displayed a lack of empathy and was comfortable with, and even enjoyed, killing or witnessing the act of killing. While intelligent, his greed often overshadowed his judgment when a sufficiently valuable "prize" was within reach. The Miskara knew two words in Basic, "fire" and "target."
The Miskara donned a heavy-looking multicolored robe adorned with sunburst shoulder and ankle guards. He also wore a serrated cloak and four belts around his waist. He owned and commanded his warship.
The Miskara made his debut in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight, penned by Timothy Zahn. An image from The Unknown Regions depicts a member of the Vagaari species wearing clothing that resembles the Miskara's attire in Outbound Flight, although no direct connection has been officially established.