Chas Uliar was a male Human crew member aboard the Outbound Flight, with a birth year of 49 BBY.
Uliar joined the project at its inception in 29 BBY, immediately after finishing his educational training. His assigned role was Reactor Tech 4.
As the Jedi, most notably Jorus C'baoth, progressively gained more authority over every facet of the vessel, Uliar's animosity toward the Jedi intensified.
Uliar lived through the destruction of Outbound Flight upon the Redoubt. Almost immediately following the accident, he started to believe that Dillian Pressor possessed Force-sensitive abilities. Subsequently, he rose to the position of Director within the colony. Because of his aversion to the Jedi, individuals he suspected of Force-sensitivity were initially isolated, and if their abilities were confirmed, they were exiled to Dreadnaught-Three. Uliar frequently and accurately suspected Evlyn, Dillian's granddaughter, of having Force-sensitivity, but her mother, Rosemari, and her uncle, Jorad, shielded her to prevent Uliar from dispatching her to D-Three.
Following the Battle of the Redoubt, when the survivors of the downed Outbound Flight were moved to the Empire of the Hand, Uliar was among the few who required the most convincing to make the journey.