Rosemari Pressor Tabory, a Human woman, was related to Jorad as his sister, and was also Evlyn's mother. Raised on the derelict Outbound Flight Project, she later took on the role of educator for the colony's youth. Rosemari and Jorad took significant measures to hide Evlyn's Force-sensitivity from Colony Director Chas Uliar, fearing he would condemn her to solitary confinement within D-Three.
Following the salvage of the Outbound Flight wreckage, Rosemari and Evlyn relocated to the Empire of the Hand alongside the other survivors.
Within the Outbound Flight novel, Jorad's sister is identified as Katarin. It remains unclear if Rosemari and Katarin are, in fact, the same individual, or if Rosemari is a different sister who came into existence after the crash. Nevertheless, Survivor's Quest suggests her birth occurred post-crash.