This undertaking unfolded within the Sith dreadnaught called the Harbinger, specifically in the year 41.5 ABY. The Harbinger found itself displaced in time due to an unstable hyperlane it entered after a skirmish above Phaegon III in 5000 BBY, at the onset of the Great Hyperspace War, ultimately traveling through time to the aforementioned date. Once there, Jedi Master Relin Druur, who had previously sabotaged the vessel during the Phaegon III conflict, joined forces with Jedi Knight Jaden Korr and salvagers Khedryn Faal alongside Marr Idi-Shael. With the Harbinger's hyperdrive still out of commission, Druur's renewed objective was to obliterate its hazardous cargo, a potent dark side ore referred to as Lignan. His motivations, however, extended beyond mere duty, encompassing a desire for vengeance fueled by the recent death of his Padawan, Drev Hassin, during the Phaegon III battle, as well as retribution against Saes Rrogon, his former student who had embraced the dark side and risen to the rank of captain of the Harbinger. Idi-Shael facilitated Druur's entry onto the Harbinger and aided in his covert advance throughout the ship, before making her escape. Druur then proceeded toward the Lignan, located within the vessel's cargo bay, where he lay in wait for Rrogon's arrival. Upon Rrogon's appearance, the Sith Lord and Druur engaged in a fierce confrontation utilizing their respective Force powers, with Rrogon ultimately gaining the advantage, restraining Druur with a Force Choke. Druur, however, tapped into the Lignan's power, enabling him to overcome his former apprentice, ultimately impaling Rrogon with his own lightsaber. Continuing to channel the Lignan's energy, Druur allowed it to engulf him as he perished, finally unleashing its full potential upon the Harbinger, resulting in the ship's fiery annihilation.