Seer was a clone of Lumiya, the Sith Lady, and she was created in an Imperial research facility located on a frozen moon within the Unknown Regions.

Within a research facility of the Galactic Empire, on a frozen moon situated in the Unknown Regions, Seer, a bald Human clone, was created from the genetic material of the Sith Lady Lumiya. This was part of a cloning initiative spearheaded by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Among several Sith-Jedi clones bred at the facility, Seer was eventually contacted through the Force by a sentient entity residing in a Rakatan construct. This entity became known to Seer as "Mother", leading the clones to worship it. Seer rose to leadership over these clones, who then called themselves the Community. The clones then killed and overthrew the Imperial forces that were in control of the research facility. For a number of years, the clones remained on the moon, until 41.5 ABY when they escaped by stealing a CloakShape fighter brought to the moon by Kell Douro, an Anzat Sith agent.
Seer, along with every other member of the Community, excluding the clone Soldier, was afflicted with an illness stemming from their clone origins. As they made their escape, their CloakShape passed through remnants of the Lignan cargo from the destroyed Sith dreadnaught Harbinger. This exposure heightened their Force sensitivity and accelerated their sickness. Seer interpreted the illness as a trial set by Mother and instructed Soldier to pilot the CloakShape to the planet Fhost in order to acquire medication, with the intention of then locating Mother. Upon arriving on Fhost, Seer, Soldier, and the remaining healthy members of the Community abandoned the starfighter and hijacked a medical supply ship from the Farpoint Medical Center. During the theft, Seer encountered Jedi Knight Jaden Korr and the clones captured Khedryn Faal, a spacer and associate of Korr.
The clones then left Fhost aboard the medical ship, setting a course for Mother's location. After interrogating Faal, Seer declared that the Community no longer needed him and ordered the clone Runner to execute him. However, Nyss Nenn, an Umbaran Sith agent who had secretly boarded the ship, killed Runner and the clone Hunter, intending to eliminate the remaining clones. During a fight between Soldier and Nenn, Seer was knocked unconscious, but the Umbaran decided to spare her life, believing she might be of use to his employers, the resurgent Sith Order One Sith. Soldier then forced Nenn to escape in an escape pod, and the clones continued their journey towards the Rakatan construct.
The last survivors of the Community—Seer, Soldier, and the child Grace—dropped out of hyperspace near their destination and landed the medical ship inside the Rakatan station. Mother guided Seer to a cylindrical mound within a large oval chamber, and Seer asked Mother to heal Grace and Soldier. Instead, filaments from the mound enveloped Seer, and despite her cries for help, Mother transferred her consciousness into Seer's body, resulting in Seer's death. Seer's body became pale, bloated, and encased in filaments, as Mother went on a destructive rampage. Shortly after, the station exploded, destroying Mother and the remains of Seer's body.