Reegas Vance was a gambler of the Human male persuasion, existing approximately during the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. Specifically, in 41.5 ABY, Vance engaged in a sabacc game at the Black Hole cantina in Farpoint, a settlement on the planet Fhost. His opponents included Earsh, Khedryn Faal, and [Flaygin], and they played using Corellian Gambit rules. Ultimately, Faal won the final round, a victory that was secretly influenced by Jaden Korr, a nearby Jedi Knight, through the use of the Force without the knowledge of either Faal or Vance. Following the game, a deadly brawl erupted in the cantina, triggered by the coordinates to a location discovered by Faal. Subsequent to the brawl, Kell Douro killed Vance just as Vance located the storage crystal containing the coordinates.
The character of Reegas Vance was introduced in Crosscurrent, the initial Star Wars novel penned by Paul S. Kemp, which saw its release on January 26, 2010.