The Majestic, a member of the Acclamator-class assault ship family, served the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, it was utilized by the Imperial Navy. To improve its defenses, it received upgrades, including the addition of thick armor.
During the Battle of Geonosis, the Majestic participated in combat. Following the Battle of Geonosis by three months, the Majestic was sent to Qiilura with the mission of retrieving Omega Squad from the world; the cruiser known as the Vengeance eventually joined it there. Before extracting Omega Squad, the Majestic delivered artillery support to Omega and inflicted significant damage on a Techno Union ship orbiting Qiilura. The Majestic responded to a Red Zero signal from Omega Squad 367 days, nearly a year, following the Geonosis engagement. Before the Majestic arrived, Delta Squad had already rescued Omega; consequently, the Majestic was redirected to locate Sicko, their TIV pilot. After discovering the pilot's remains and the destroyed TIV, Majestic's commanding officer notified Coruscant HQ. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, the Majestic saw service with the Imperial Navy.