Prudii Skirata

Formerly known as Null-5, or N-5, Prudii Skirata was one of twelve Null-class ARC troopers engineered as a lieutenant within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. Genetic alterations resulted in Prudii and his five brothers possessing enhanced muscular development, photographic memory capabilities, and a heightened intelligence level surpassing that of standard clones by at least 35%.

At the age of two, he and the other Nulls were rescued from termination by the Kaminoan scientists, thanks to Kal Skirata. Subsequently, their loyalty remained solely with Skirata.


Following the events of the First Battle of Geonosis, Prudii and his brothers faced scheduled deactivation due to their insubordination, answering only to Kal Skirata. Skirata intervened, preventing their deactivation. The Null Squad was then integrated into Clone Intelligence Units (MILINT), operating under the Special Operations Brigade commanded by Jedi General Arligan Zey. They also functioned as Kal Skirata's personal force, tasked with locating the Kaminoan clone technician Ko Sai and compelling her to halt the accelerated aging process.

Prudii's expertise lay in the sabotage of droid manufacturing facilities. After becoming part of military intelligence, he dedicated the initial year following Geonosis to sabotaging major droid factories across the galaxy, making stops at 49 different planets. He potentially interrogated, and assassinated, a key Separatist metallurgist, gaining crucial insights into droid metallurgy. Rather than destroying the factories outright, he devised a method undetectable by Separatist quality control. Mereel humorously referred to this technique as "Prudii's patented droid remover." He donned specialized ARC trooper armor featuring a stealth coating that rendered him invisible to droids, allowing him to infiltrate factories unnoticed. He would then access the main computers and subtly alter the droid manufacturing process by adding an extra 5% of carvanium. Consequently, these droids would disintegrate upon impact with any weapon on the battlefield. His sabotage proved so effective that the kill ratio for clone troopers increased from 1:20 droids to 1:50 droids during the Clone Wars' first year.

460 days after Geonosis, he instructed clone commando RC-3222 on Olanet in his sabotage methods. Together, they infiltrated the droid factory on Olanet, a high-priority target for military intelligence, and manipulated the main computer. Atin then returned to his squad at Coruscant HQ, sharing the technique with Omega Squad, while Prudii continued his work. Furthermore, he assisted his brothers in the search for Ko Sai.

As the Clone Wars concluded, Prudii retreated to Kyrimorut on Mandalore, Kal Skirata's sanctuary.

Personality and traits

In Mando'a, "Prudii" translates to "shadow." He possessed complete fluency in Mando'a, as Kal Skirata had taught the language, along with Mandalorian culture, to all his Null ARCs.

Atin characterized Prudii as a "glib cynic" (and a doting son in Kal Skirata's presence). Prudii detested being addressed as "Sir" or "Lieutenant" by other clones, firmly believing that all clones were brothers, even the Alpha ARCs, despite their apparent differences with the Null ARCs. Atin perceived Prudii as appearing slightly older than his brothers Ordo and Mereel.

Armor and Equipment

Prudii initially wore Phase 1 ARC armor adorned with blue markings signifying his rank as Lieutenant, later transitioning to the experimental 1.5 armor variant. His standard equipment included two DC-17 hand blasters and a DC-15a blaster rifle.

