Niner's squad

Niner Skirata's team was a military division composed of clone commando soldiers within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army that participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This division consisted of four clone commandos under the command of Niner Skirata, and they were trained by Drill Instructor Kal Skirata. The team was sent to the opening conflict on Geonosis in 22 BBY, where Niner was the only member to survive.


The unit led by Niner Skirata was a collection of clone commando soldiers who served the Galactic Republic's Grand Army between 32 BBY and 22 BBY. The squad, including clone commandos Two-Eight, O-Four, DD, and Sev, were cloned on the remote planet of Kamino in 32 BBY, and were under Niner's command. During the commandos' instruction by Cuy'val Dar training Sergeant Kal Skirata on Kamino, 28 perished in a training accident involving explosives, a tragedy that deeply affected the squad leader. O-Four, DD, or Sev replaced 28, but Niner noticed that the new trooper seemed to feel like an outsider. In 22 BBY, the squad was dispatched to the Outer Rim world of Geonosis for the opening engagement of the Clone Wars. During the battle, three members of the squad died in action, leaving Niner as the sole survivor, who was soon reassigned to Omega Squad as their leader for the remainder of the war.

Behind the scenes

The team of RC-1309 was referenced in the 2004 novel Republic Commando: Hard Contact, penned by Karen Traviss. In a 2005 discussion forum hosted on, Traviss revealed that RC-1309's original squad was internally referred to as "Lambda Squad" in her notes for Hard Contact, though the name was not actually used in the published novel.

