DD, a Human male clone originating from Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, was a figure given life by the Kaminoan cloners. These cloners resided on the planet Kamino. His purpose was to serve within the ranks of the Grand Army belonging to the Galactic Republic. Trained to be a clone commando, he became a member of Niner's squad, fighting alongside O-Four and Sev under the command of sergeant Niner. The squad was sent to the planet Geonosis for the first battle of the Clone Wars against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this conflict on Geonosis, DD, along with O-Four and Sev, met their end, leaving Niner as the sole survivor of the squad. The sergeant would later regret not preventing DD and Sev from participating in the battle. Like all clone troopers, DD's height was measured at 1.83 meters.
The character of DD was initially referenced in Republic Commando: Hard Contact, a 2004 novel penned by Karen Traviss. Subsequently, he was mentioned in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, another installment in the same series.