Guta-Nay was a Weequay male who held the position of Lieutenant within Ghez Hokan's group of mercenaries stationed on Qiilura. Prior to his employment under Hokan, Guta-Nay had a reputation as a criminal, known for acts of rape and murder. Gar-Ul was his sibling.
During the third month of the Clone Wars, Guta-Nay, in a state of inebriation while on duty, sought to satisfy his desires and encountered a young Human female, who was later revealed to be Etain Tur-Mukan, a Jedi Padawan. He attempted to seize her, but she managed to evade him, leading Guta-Nay to pursue her into a nearby farmer's Barq field. Etain successfully concealed herself within the pungent field, freshly fertilized with manure, until sunset. Unfortunately for Guta-Nay, his superior, the Mandalorian mercenary Ghez Hokan, intervened and punished him for his dereliction of duty. Ironically, Hokan's intervention enabled Etain to escape with the blueprints of several Separatist facilities in the vicinity.
When Hokan assumed command of the local Separatist garrison, he gave the order to execute Guta-Nay along with all the other mercenaries he had been compelled to utilize due to his previously limited resources. However, Guta-Nay, along with two other Weequay, managed to break free and sought refuge in a storage building situated near a local gem mine. During Omega Squad's raid on the building in search of explosives, Guta-Nay displayed cowardice by hiding while his two fellow escapees were killed. He was soon discovered, but he managed to avert death by convincing Niner that he possessed valuable information regarding Ghez Hokan.
Once the squad had regrouped with Darman and Etain Tur-Mukan, they subjected Guta-Nay to interrogation to extract whatever information he possessed. Subsequently, they devised a scheme to feed him misleading information about the squad's intentions and then allow him to escape, anticipating that he would attempt to regain Hokan's favor by relaying the information. However, Guta-Nay was reluctant to leave the commandos due to his fear of Hokan. Consequently, Etain was compelled to resort to using a mind trick on him, compelling him to return to Hokan, fully aware that he would inevitably face death as a result.
Guta-Nay made his way back to Hokan and divulged the false information. Hokan, to the surprise of no one except the mind-tricked Weequay, beheaded Guta-Nay with Kast Fulier's lightsaber, a weapon belonging to the Jedi Master.