Besany Wennen was employed as an agent within the Republic Treasury Audit Division.
To investigate Vinna Jiss, who was suspected of stealing supplies, she disguised herself as a Logistics worker for the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) on Coruscant during 21 BBY. While working undercover, she befriended Corr, a clone trooper who had lost his hands while defusing a bomb. As a result, he was reassigned to a civilian role until he could receive better prosthetic replacements, enabling his return to combat. Corr's prosthetic hands evoked feelings of sympathy within her for the clone troopers; she believed the government was exploiting the clones as a "slave army." Following the discreet elimination of Jiss, she assisted Kal Skirata's classified mission to expose terrorists residing in Coruscant's The Works. By the conclusion of Skirata's mission, she and the Null ARC trooper Ordo began to develop romantic feelings for one another.
In 21 BBY, Skirata requested that she obtain specific information from the Republic, with Mereel providing her with a small Merr-Sonn blaster for her personal safety. She successfully acquired the information and initiated further investigation. However, she received a warning from an unidentified Gurlanin that she was under surveillance and should cease her inquiries. When RC-8015 (Fi) sustained injuries on Gaftikar, Kal Skirata tasked Wennen with monitoring his condition while he received treatment in a private medical facility. Upon her arrival, the medical droid had diagnosed him as brain dead and was preparing to euthanize him. She brandished her blaster and secured herself inside the room with Fi. CSF officer Jaller Obrim arrived soon after and escorted her and Fi to safety. Besany became a member of Kal Skirata's team, regularly furnishing them with information from the Treasury and caring for Darman Skirata's young son, Venku Skirata.
One day, while heading home, she noticed a man observing her through the transparisteel walls of Galos Mall. Convinced that he was an agent from Republic Intelligence, one of the Chancellor's "Hands," she attempted to evade him. However, she made an error and, instead of remaining within the crowds, inadvertently entered a secluded area of the city. As she prepared to confront the agent, another man, who turned out to be Captain Ordo, seized him from behind. Following this incident, Ordo proposed marriage to her in her apartment during dinner, offering her a multi-million credit Sharoni sapphire pin since he didn't possess a ring. She accepted his proposal. Later, she incorporated a portion of the sapphire into a wedding ring, and the remaining portion was sold to augment Kal Skirata's clone research funding. Subsequently, she vacated her apartment and relocated to the slums, residing in Laseema's apartment, which served as a secret Skirata safehouse.
Skirata assigned two of his Null adopted sons, Mereel and Jaing Skirata, as "fundraisers" to support his research aimed at halting the accelerated aging of the clones, with the goal of granting his boys a normal lifespan. Agent Besany Wennen, now the wife of Ordo Skirata, had previously provided Kal and the Nulls with her national Republic Treasury access codes. This allowed them to investigate the origins of new clones to acquire new cloning research material and to assess the trajectory of the war. Upon the discovery of Jaing's data-mining worm virus, the Republic Treasury initiated a comprehensive investigation. The Republic special investigators assigned to the case were Mereel and Jaing, unaware of their involvement in the actions that triggered the investigations. Jaing and Mereel's inquiries yielded no findings, as they had meticulously erased their and Besany's traces within the system. They determined that they would need to examine Army databases in addition to Treasury databases to ascertain the extent of this "mystery program." The Republic granted the Nulls unrestricted access to all GAR records. While the Null investigation uncovered nothing, the droid investigation revealed suspicious access by one of Besany's colleagues, Jilka Zan Zentis, who was investigating a government shell company at Besany's behest. Besany felt immense guilt that her friend Jilka was imprisoned as a result of her actions. Later, a Gurlanin spy informed Besany that Jilka had been framed and that the actions performed on Jilka's terminal were deliberately made conspicuous by the Gurlanins to prevent the GAR from detecting any involvement by Besany or Skirata's sons. Besany was distraught that her friend was facing imprisonment in her stead, but Ordo and Skirata failed to comprehend her distress. Skirata ordered Jilka's extraction from jail, with her prison transport being hijacked by Ordo and Wad'e Tay'haai.
Besany evacuated Coruscant and relocated to Mandalore alongside the Skirata clan. Much later, when Kal Skirata was compelled to abandon Darman and Niner on Coruscant immediately following the death of Etain Tur-Mukan, she played a pivotal role in assisting Kal in overcoming his sorrow. She frequently connected with Kal on the subject of remembering their fathers, and how Kal had become her new father figure.
She desired for Jilka Zan Zentis to find a romantic partner, specifically Fi Skirata.
She pondered the reason why Ordo slept with his head concealed beneath his blanket. Kal Skirata explained that it was because, on Kamino, the clones were subjected to training exercises involving live explosives.