Laseema's residence was situated on the planet Coruscant, specifically on the fringes of the city world's lower levels. It was located within the same permacrete structure as the Kragget 24-hour eatery, the apartment encompassed an entire story directly above the restaurant and was accessible from the back of the establishment. Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian warrior, purchased the apartment for Laseema, a Twi'lek female who previously worked at Qibbu's Hut, in the year 21 BBY. During an anti-terrorist operation that had its base of operations at the Hut, Laseema developed a romantic relationship with Atin, one of Skirata's adopted sons and a clone commando; because of this relationship, Skirata considered the young woman a part of his extended family, and he acquired the apartment for Laseema to provide her with a fresh start, free from her exploitative employer. As the Clone Wars progressed, the apartment became a haven and meeting place for various members of Clan Skirata, but it was ultimately abandoned in 19 BBY when Laseema and the Skirata clan left Coruscant for Mandalore.
The apartment was based on Coruscant, the galactic planet of the Galactic Republic, situated in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. The apartment was in the same permacrete building as the Kragget 24-hour restaurant, located on the edge of the ecumenopolis' lower levels, and it took up the entire floor above the restaurant, giving the impression of an urban stronghold. Access was granted from the Kragget's rear, past the kitchens, via a turbolift or a staircase, and entry required a code key. The apartment's doors opened into a spacious living area—likely repurposed from a former storage space—around which other rooms were situated, and it had an emergency exit that led to the building's roof. Furnishings included a couch, multiple chairs, a table, a conservator stocked with food, and storage cabinets. A mirror was also hung on one of the living room walls.
In 21 BBY, Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian soldier and Grand Army of the Republic private military company operative, launched a counter-terrorist campaign alongside a clone commando team. The Coruscanti bar Qibbu's Hut served as the covert operation's base of operations, and Laseema, a young Twi'lek woman, worked there at the time. While the commandos were based there, Atin, a clone trooper, and Laseema started a relationship. Skirata chose to help Laseema start a new life away from the exploitative, Hutt-owned bar after their mission was successfully completed. He purchased an apartment above the Kragget restaurant—a secure diner frequented by him and numerous officers from the Coruscant Security Force—with the intention of allowing the young Twi'lek to stay there without having to pay rent. Laseema accepted Skirata's initial generosity, left her old job, and moved into the apartment, but she insisted on working as a waitress at the Kragget to remain independent.
Later that year, after the birth of his grandson Venku, Skirata moved into one of the spare rooms in Laseema's apartment to care for the child, since his parents—Darman, a clone commando, and Etain Tur-Mukan, a Jedi General—were actively serving in the Republic Grand Army. Soon after, another room was offered to Bardan Jusik, a former Jedi Knight and close friend of Laseema and Skirata, who needed a place to live after leaving the Jedi Order.
Laseema's apartment was first mentioned in Star Wars lore in True Colors, the third book in the Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss, which was released on October 30, 2007. In Traviss' follow-up to True Colors, Order 66, which was released a little over a year later on September 16, 2008, the apartment made a full appearance.