Jaller Obrim

Jaller Obrim dedicated his life to serving as a police officer on Coruscant, the galactic capital. Throughout his career, he held positions within the Senate Guard, the Coruscant Security Force as an officer, and the Imperial Security Bureau. In 22 BBY, Obrim resided in the Rampart Town area of Galactic City with his wife, Telti, and their two sons. He maintained a strong friendship with Mandalorian Sergeant Kal Skirata, as well as the clone troopers Skirata trained to be clone commandos and ARC troopers. Obrim was committed to protecting Coruscant and its citizens, along with upholding his duties, friendships, and family.

Obrim's career began with the Senate Guard, where he developed a reputation as both a skilled detective and a tough cop. After the Clone Wars began with the outbreak in 22 BBY, Obrim was reassigned to the Coruscant Security Force. As head of the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit, his influential position in law enforcement enabled him to redirect CSF resources to support Skirata's clandestine operations for the Grand Army of the Republic, effectively erasing their actions from official records. During a highly classified mission on Coruscant targeting a Separatist cell, Obrim played a vital role in aiding Skirata and his clone troopers. Additionally, Obrim offered personal assistance to Skirata in rescuing clone commando RC-8015 and Republic Treasury Agent Besany Wennen from an armed standoff at the Republic Central Medcenter. When Order 66 was executed, labeling several of Skirata's associates as enemies of the Galactic Republic, Obrim helped the Skirata clan escape Coruscant. Following the Clone Wars, Obrim and his Anti-Terrorism Unit transitioned to the newly formed Imperial Security Bureau. From this new role, Obrim continued to provide support and intelligence to Skirata, his clan, and various anti-Imperial resistance movements.


Senate Guard

Jaller Obrim, a Human male police officer, served on the planet Coruscant, the galactic capital. He served as a Senate Guard for a period of twenty-eight years, eventually achieving the rank of commander. Throughout his time as a Guard, he was responsible for the protection of senators and other important government figures. Furthermore, he conducted criminal investigations, earning a reputation as a sharp and uncompromising street cop. By 22 BBY, he lived with his wife, Telti, and their two teenage sons in their residence situated in the Rampart Town area of Galactic City on Coruscant.

During the Clone Wars, which commenced in 22 BBY, Korun terrorists under the command of Nuriin-Ar seized the Galactic City Spaceport and took hostages, including Senator Meena Tills and her aide, Vun Merett Jai. The terrorists demanded that the Galactic Republic withdraw its military forces and cease its interference in the affairs of their homeworld, Haruun Kal. Due to the Senator's involvement, Obrim and a Senate Guard team responded to the hostage crisis, as did the Coruscant Security Force, the clone commando unit Omega Squad, Mandalorian Sergeant Kal Skirata, and Null ARC Captain Null-11, known as "Ordo."

Jedi Master Kaim attempted to negotiate with the Korun terrorists, but they killed him and threw his body, rigged with explosives, outside the spaceport. Clone commando RC-8015, known as "Fi," jumped onto the Jedi before the explosion, saving the lives of the CSF police officers nearby. The hostage siege ended when the commando team forcibly entered the building and eliminated the terrorists. Fi survived the blast, and his heroism was remembered by Obrim and the CSF for a considerable time thereafter.

Working for CSF

Following the siege, Obrim was assigned to CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit and promoted to the rank of captain. In 21 BBY, during one of their initial meetings at the CSF Staff and Social Club after the spaceport hostage siege, Obrim and Skirata discussed an upcoming black ops mission by Omega Squad, Captain Ordo, and Jedi Knights Bardan Jusik and Etain Tur-Mukan to expose a Separatist terror cell operating on Coruscant. As Skirata's and Obrim's friendship had grown, Skirata realized he would need the Anti-Terrorism Unit's assistance to successfully complete the mission.

Obrim provided shelter for Fi in his apartment as the injured trooper recovered.

Throughout the black ops mission, Skirata hesitated to share detailed information with Obrim, fearing leaks that could endanger his team. Conversely, Obrim aimed to protect his officers from unknowingly interfering with the clones, who were disguised as arms dealers, which could lead to their deaths. At one point, Skirata and Obrim engaged in a heated argument, nearly resulting in physical confrontation, over the issue of information sharing. Skirata eventually agreed to share information about locations his team would target or observe, but only to warn the CSF to avoid interfering with those sites. Later, Skirata revealed the locations of the terrorist cells, giving Obrim and the CSF an active role in concluding the mission. After Skirata and his team successfully neutralized the main terrorist group, Skirata gave Obrim the go-ahead, and Obrim, along with the CSF, arrested or killed more than ninety other suspects.

During a mission to Gaftikar, clone commando Fi suffered a severe brain injury and was transported to Coruscant's Republic Central Medcenter. Kal Skirata tasked Republic Treasury Agent Besany Wennen with monitoring Fi's condition. She discovered that the medical droids intended to euthanize Fi, as they had declared him brain-dead. Wennen threatened the medical droids with her blaster, forcing them to leave Fi's hospital room, and secured the door, trapping herself and Fi inside. In the ensuing standoff, Skirata contacted Obrim for assistance, and Obrim responded by dispatching several CSF patrol officers and half of the shift from the Anti-Terrorism Unit. Displaying a significant show of force with weapons and armor, Obrim and the CSF stormed the hallway and escorted Wennen and Fi out of the room. Upon reaching the lobby, they were stopped by a medical droid who insisted they had no right to remove the unconscious Fi. Obrim threatened to disclose embarrassing information about the droid's superior, securing Fi's release. Along with Wennen, they departed the medical center under the watchful eyes of the CSF officers whose lives Fi had saved during the Galactic City Spaceport hostage siege. Fi was taken to Obrim's apartment, where a rented medical droid cared for him. Fi was later secretly moved to the planet Mandalore.

Obrim was among the few non-clones entrusted with Skirata's plans to assist clone troopers in deserting from the Grand Army of the Republic. While he avoided hearing specific details for plausible deniability, he supported the Skirata clan by informing Skirata that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had issued a warrant for his arrest. He also relocated Kad Skirata, the baby of RC-1136 "Darman" and Etain Tur-Mukan; Laseema, the wife of RC-3222 "Atin"; and Besany Wennen to his apartment, anticipating they might be targeted as well. There, Telti Obrim ensured their safety during the Separatist attack on Coruscant until Skirata arrived to retrieve them.

Order 66 and the ISB

Following Palpatine's issuance of Order 66, which condemned all Jedi as traitors to the Republic, Obrim monitored the subsequent operation against the Jedi Order from his police speeder to ensure Skirata and his crew successfully escaped Coruscant. He aided in locating Etain Tur-Mukan as she headed toward the rendezvous point to escape to Mandalore. However, Tur-Mukan encountered several clone troopers confronting a group of Jedi Padawans at a checkpoint on the Shinarcan Bridge Extension. Tur-Mukan intervened to defend the clones but was struck by a lightsaber wielded by one of the Padawans. Obrim intervened to help and shielded Tur-Mukan's body. He was forced to use the stun setting on his blaster to incapacitate Skirata, who was yelling and screaming, to allow Ordo to remove him from the scene. Obrim pledged to watch out for Darman and RC-1309 "Niner", who had to remain behind after Niner's spine was fractured during the skirmish. Obrim also guarded Tur-Mukan's body at the scene and afterward until Null-12 "A'den" could transport it to Mandalore.

With the conclusion of the war and the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Obrim and the Anti-Terrorism Unit were merged with elements of the CSF detective units and the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order—formerly the Commission for the Protection of the Republic—to create the Imperial Security Bureau. The ISB was established as a rival to the new Imperial Intelligence, functioning as an internal security apparatus and a secret police dedicated to the New Order. Obrim felt little affinity for Palpatine or the Empire, preferring his life as a street cop. Due to his past role as a loyal Senate Guard, Obrim survived Palpatine's purge of the government and continued to serve as a captain in the ISB. On one occasion, Darman and Niner visited the ISB information technology center to recover information from a supposedly blank disc they had discovered during a mission to the planet Celen. Obrim was present and officially confirmed the insignificance of the data. However, he hinted during their conversation that the disc contained valuable information for anti-Imperials, Jedi, and the underground organization Whiplash. He then secretly returned the disc to Niner, fully aware that it would aid Skirata and others, while verbally stating that he would log it as evidence. Later, the disc was found to contain information about ships, locations, comm codes, and arms caches.

Personality and traits

Kal Skirata, Obrim's close friend

Jaller Obrim was a Human male characterized by light [color](/article/color-legends] skin, black [hair](/article/hair-legends], brown [eyes](/article/eye-legends], and a comlink on his left [ear](/article/ear-legends]. Above all, Jaller Obrim considered himself a street cop. He was passionate about his job and performed it with great dedication, immersing himself in the gritty realities of police work on Coruscant. His ability to quickly assess situations and take decisive action served him well as a leading police officer. A stocky man, he possessed a commanding presence, and his direct, no-nonsense approach earned him respect at crime scenes. As the head of the Anti-Terrorism Unit, Obrim wielded significant influence within the CSF, extending to other units such as the Organized Crime and Forensics Units. Obrim's reputation as a street-smart, tough cop—even by CSF standards—contrasted with his skills as a computer technician. Typically, he rarely displayed his considerable computer abilities. Strongly believing in hard data and facts, Obrim was less inclined to believe in the powers of the Force. However, he recognized its usefulness as a tool to a limited extent. Due to the enemies he made in his work as a police officer, Obrim was inherently suspicious and trusted few people. He had an extensive security system installed in his home and the lobby of his apartment complex to protect himself and his family.

Although he sometimes appeared cold and uncaring, Obrim was deeply loyal to his close friends and family, valuing them above any sense of patriotism. From their initial encounter, Obrim held a professional respect for Kal Skirata and his group of clone commandos. Their friendship grew through interactions on duty and personal meetings at places like the Kragget, a greasy food joint favored by cops, and the CSF Staff and Social Club. Despite occasional disagreements and their fierce protectiveness of their own men, Obrim's and Skirata's friendship was strong, and they trusted each other implicitly. Skirata's trust extended to including Obrim in his plans to help clone troopers desert the GAR and for the Skirata clan to escape to Mandalore—Obrim was one of the few non-clones informed of these plans. While working with Kal Skirata, Obrim leaked classified information, feigned ignorance, made people and information disappear, and redirected CSF resources to aid Skirata's missions. Obrim even risked his life and career to help Skirata and the clan escape Coruscant during Order 66. In return, Skirata entrusted Obrim with his life and the lives of his extended family.

Behind the scenes

Jaller Obrim was created by author Karen Traviss for the Republic Commando series. He first appeared in Omega Squad: Targets, a short story published in Star Wars Insider 81 and released in March of 2005. He was depicted as a Senate Guard tasked with ensuring the retrieval of a senator from a hostage situation. Traviss expanded the character's role as the series began to focus primarily on Coruscant in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, published on February 28, 2006. The True Colors novel, published on October 30, 2007, provided details about Obrim's personal life, including his home's location and his wife's name.

While Obrim played a more significant role in the subsequent Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, published on September 16, 2008, by facilitating Skirata's clan's escape and caring for Tur-Mukan's body, his role was reduced in the final novel, Imperial Commando: 501st, published on October 27, 2009. However, both novels strongly emphasized Obrim's characteristics as a loyal friend and a capable cop. In Imperial Commando, Obrim's last appearance portrayed him as a man who performed his job while risking his career and life to assist those he believed deserved his loyalty. He essentially betrayed the Empire by passing on vital information to aid resistance movements.

The storyline was intended to continue and conclude in a second Imperial Commando novel, but the series was canceled. In an email, Karen Traviss revealed her tentative plan for the conclusion of Obrim's story, stating that with Kal Skirata's help, Obrim and his family would flee Coruscant and likely join the Skirata clan.

An image of Obrim in 2012's The Essential Reader's Companion shows him with an ear implant identical to that of Tan Divo, who is also an officer in the Coruscant Security Force.

