
Tall beings with purple skin, the Shimholt were a sentient species originating from the planet Kar'a'katok, and their skin was purple. This race, known for their extended lifespans, were initially a welcoming and agricultural society until approximately 4000 BBY. At that time, Nelori Marauders invaded and ravaged Kar'a'katok. This conflict transformed the Shimholt into an isolated and distrustful people. While their dedication to military strategy successfully drove back the Nelori, it also led to the rise of a zealous religious group. This faction seized control of the planet's democratic government and governed the Shimholt for thousands of years. Kar'a'katok was then declared off-limits to outsiders, and Shimholt were prohibited from leaving the planet. No Shimholt were observed in the greater galaxy until the Galactic Civil War, when a Shimholt individual, Ampotem Za, was captured as a prisoner during an Imperial assault on Kar'a'katok. Branded an outcast on his homeworld due to his removal from the planet, Za joined the Empire and served until his demise in 3 ABY, under the moniker "Suprema."

