Marruc, a male Zeltron (a species known for their empathy and charm), along with his three fellow Zeltrons, namely Bahb, [Jahn](/article/jahn], and [Rahuhl](/article/rahuhl], volunteered to serve as aides to Princess Leia Organa in 4 ABY. Admiral Gial Ackbar, understanding Leia's reservations towards Zeltrons, still believed assigning them to her was crucial for maintaining diplomatic relations with their home planet. Marruc and his Zeltron companions were thrilled at the opportunity to collaborate with Leia, whose exploits they had heard much about, and to meet Han Solo, whom they initially confused with Lando Calrissian.

Their initial mission involved attending a diplomatic party on Kabray. Unfortunately, the Nagai chose this event to weaken the Alliance, leading to the capture of the entire party, including Leia's newly assigned Zeltrons. Confined to a room, the four Zeltrons hatched a plan. They lifted Jahn towards the ceiling, enabling him to leap onto an approaching Nagai guard. Subsequently, the Zeltrons seized control of the situation, capturing the entire Nagai raiding party and turning their weapons against them. Their courageous actions impressed both Han and Leia, who began to develop a fondness for the Zeltrons. The leadership of the Nagai took note of their efforts, which later led to their homeworld becoming a target.
Upon returning to Endor with their captured prisoners, Marruc and his Zeltron comrades handed them over for interrogation. They were present when the invading Nagai fleet emerged from hyperspace, being the first to detect their arrival alongside Leia. Marruc and Rahuhl then rushed off to locate and alert Han Solo, who was in the forest. After informing him and returning to the tracking station to observe the fighter squadrons engaged in battle, the four Zeltrons unexpectedly found themselves in a ground battle against a force of Maccabrees and Nagai who had infiltrated the moon's surface. The timely intervention of Luke Skywalker, who discovered the Maccabree's weakness, saved the Zeltrons' lives. Subsequently, they evacuated Endor along with the rest of the Alliance.
After fleeing Endor, Jahn and the other Zeltron assistants participated in the Battle of Zeltros. Their actions on Kabray were partially responsible for the planet being identified as a target. During the conflict, they were captured by the Tofs, who mistakenly believed them to be important Alliance commanders. They were then imprisoned on the Toff flagship, the Merriweather. Luke Skywalker, working alongside Hoojibs and Hiromi, orchestrated a successful rescue mission to free them.